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Clad from head to toe in her deadly armor, Lady Erika storms across the desert plains of Zygerria towards the great plateau of the Royal Palace. Legions rush to stop her, only to be cast aside, though she shows enough restraint not to mince them where they stand. The waves of dark energy radiating from her echo back to the battle of Jakku, where she did just that to the crews protecting the Star Destroyers she ravaged in a frenzied rage.

Tanks and Aircraft aren't so easily dismissed, so she hurls them around like toys, or tears their turrets off, deafening anyone nearby with the howling screech of rent metal. When groups of soldiers begin to surround her, mistaking her stagnation for weakness, she charges an aura of force lightning to surround her body, then punches past them, bolting a hundred meters in a fraction of a second and leaving a super charged pressure wave of dark force energy 8 meters wide in her wake.

As she crosses the distance from the Capital to the royal palace, she summons every storm on the planet to converge over the Great Plateau, saving a few potent clouds for herself to strike down Fighters with greater ease. The palace defenses spring to life as she enters their range, launching missiles and artillery at her, but the weapons of mortal man no longer concern her in this state.

She leaps up to the great plateau and knocks down the palace gate with a dark charged telekinetic blast. She slows her sprint to a steady stride, emulating Darth Vader her idol. The Palace guards converge on the courtyard in front of the main door, and she lifts them up with the force the instant their fingers touch their triggers, stopping even one of them from firing a shot. 

When she reaches the door, Erika blasts it down pushing both hands forward, lightsabers balanced between her armored fingers. To follow through, she throws her arms outward now, and the many palace guards she's collected in her force grip up until now are cast away from her. A camera droid started to follow her at some point, and she makes a note of it now.

The slaves of the palace throw themselves at her feet. Perhaps some news has reached them, or perhaps they assume and hope she intends harm only to their masters. Either way, she pays no attention to their display, carving her way to the Throne room, subduing the guards effortlessly, careful now to spare each of them. The body count of her march to the plateau was high enough to make her point anyway. 

Finally, Erika turns a corner to see the doors to the throne room. Along either side of the hall, 4 Zygerrian Spearmen in full regalia stand ready. Erika reaches out a hand and pierces their minds, "Your Princess threatens the safety of your planet and tarnishes the legacy your King worked to build.... you will allow me to seek retribution for both our grievances however I see fit, up to and including penalty of death."

They echo, "You seek the head of the haughty Princess who places herself over our kingdom... your grievance must be repaid in her blood."

Erika stows her lightsabers and gazes at the door, thinking how to make her best entrance. She cannot fly-- not like Darth Necros. But she should at least be able to levitate, her golden cape billowing gloriously around her. This she does, and without a gesture or flick of her wrist, she imagines the door blasted inward off its hinges, and it happens. She floats into the throne room, and the Princess sits on her throne, a smug look on her face. Bold to the end. I will break her first, thinks Erika.

Cezat says, "Far too bold 297..."

Erika blasts her with force lightning for a solid 15 seconds. The camera captures the writhing and screams of the Princess fallen off her throne. 15 seconds may seem like a short time, but when it's all that's happening for 15 seconds while you watch, it seems like it lasts forever. After those 15 seconds, Erika relents, saying, "When the first Sith came to Zygerria they told you to respect the power of gods."

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