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Jorgan and Frida's squad looks over the ridge down at the base. Dergg Bek says, "Now that we can see it up close, I highly suspect there will be something of value down there. It's far more defended than the other cookie cutter bases we've been seeing. Looks like 15 guys instead of 6, some heavy rifles, a couple mounted guns, and a much bigger armory. They have twice as many speeders and even a small troop transport. 

"Our new armor won't even the playing field much. Jorgan, take Topa and Grandol around that ridge there. When we start shooting from this side, you should be able to sneak in behind their ranks and seize their more dangerous weapons. Frida, I need your force guidance up here to protect us until your brother comes around. 15 against 5 is poor odds, even with the cover of the high ground."

When the A team consisting of Frida and 4 other riflemen begins shooting down into the hollow, the shore troopers scramble to respond. The Sun Troopers do their best to keep anyone from reaching the armory until a shore trooper reaches the mounted gun on the second floor to provide cover fire.

3 troopers make it into the armor door, and they step out with a rocket launcher and several grenades. It's at this moment that Jorgan's team comes around and dispatches the 3 newly armed troopers. Jorgan immediately force lifts the rocket launcher over to Dergg and pulls out his lightsaber to deflect bolts while he and the other 2 men step back into the armory to avoid enemy blaster fire, having made themselves a hot new target.

Dergg uses the rocket launcher to destroy the manned gun on the second floor. The remaining troopers scatter, and our 8 Sun troopers advance from both positions to pick them off. The battle is won. 

Searching through the computer systems, the troopers see that the Imperialists here did not have time to erase their records. However, as Dergg points out, "They've sent out a distress signal! Yakkle, transmit a message to Master Rael's XO! Hurry!"

Yakkle pulls out the speaker on its cable and changes her frequency to contact the main attack force, "Come in! We've seized the base, but they've sent out a distress signal!"

The response comes in under heavy static, but clear enough to understand, "The only response they could launch is an aerial attack. We have TIE Fighters still in the air. I'll send them to intercept. Stay on the line for updates."

A few minutes later, she contacts Yakkle again, "They dispatched 2 TIE Bombers. Seems the Empire considers that base lost. We'll do more frequent sweeps of the area in case they try again, but Master Rael has advised that you speed up your schedule and attack the next target in 2 cycles rather than waiting the usual week... and take the nocturnal troopers with you. 

"To help you with this, you'll be getting 2 reinforcements from the surrounding outposts, since they found the same carbon copy prefabs as most of the other outposts. Your Nocturnal team is also being ordered to move forward early. We'll carry them out there on a transport; that way you can turn in your helmets. Rael is satisfied with their performance and wants them on the front lines."

True to this promise, a small captured troop carrier arrives, its drivers stepping out to collect the helmets. Jorgan comments, "Surely a mission is important as ours is worth investing some better equipment?"

They shrug, "Yeah but it's more needed on the front lines and I guess the durasteel and construction costs are too expensive. There are a few hundred of you guys out here in total... that adds up."

Frida points out, "Why have us test it at all? Besides, didn't Rael even say our mission was where this war would really be fought?"

They argue, "Yeah but your mission is a lot different. You have all the time in the world to stalk prey that doesn't know what day or what time to expect you, if they expect you at all, and they certainly don't know how many of you or what weapons you have. You know everything about them and can pick the exact moment to strike... and if your helmets have bad visibility or fall apart at the seems after extended use, you have all the time in the world to take them off. You've stress tested them, so now they go to the front line."

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