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Hyun Jae pov:

"Thank you for healing me, Jay," said Nanami san, one of the Jounin who had just returned from a mission. 

"You're welcome," I responded, sparing a small smile, one that came to me often these days.

With a bow in gratitude, Nanami san left. I proceeded to clean up the blood-soaked bandages that were on the floor that had been wrapped around Nanami san's wounds before they were healed by me. Throwing them away, I took a seat at the small desk I had been provided with and picked up the book I had put down earlier to continue to read it.

After the mission to the Snow Village and after Sasuke and I got together, many things had happened, the very first thing being that I was completely accepted by the people of Konoha.  I was no longer seen as suspicious in the slightest, and many became even more friendly with me than before. It had been this way for the past half year, and I had felt more than at home than I could possibly ever feel anywhere else.

While I did go out on missions every now and then, I preferred the job I had taken up as a daily routine - a healer at the hospital. It was slow paced and rewarding, giving me the kind of life I had always wished to have. I did not miss home in the least, though I did think of Hyun Tae every now and then, hoping that he was doing well.

Much to my surprise, Sakura had apologized to me a few days after we returned to Konoha from the Snow Village. It didn't seem sincere but as if she was doing it out of obligation. Still, it felt nice to receive an apology for how she had treated me because of her obsession with Sasuke. Karin and Mitsuki had not apologized, though they had moved on. Mitsuki was dating a Jounin and preparing for her wedding with him that was next week while Karin, too, was seeing someone. She wasn't obsessed with him like she had been with Sasuke but actually in love, which made her seem normal.

On the note of marriage, Sasuke and I, too, had exchanged rings, though in the presence of only a very few close people gathered in the small courtyard of the park. It was followed by a fancy dinner and then began the life of the two of us living in Sasuke's apartment as a family. We got even closer over time, loving and trusting each other more than we had done with anyone else we had known in our lives. The bond was truly comforting, giving both of us a home in each other.

Sasuke continued to go on missions, though most of them were no more than two or three days at a time. If any mission was to take longer, we went together, not wishing to be away from each other for too long. However, such missions were rare, and there had only been three such missions in the past six and a half months.

The past week, though, had been busy with preparations for Naruto's coronation as Hokage. It was tomorrow and the entire village was in a festive mood. It was all the more so because it was to be followed by his wedding with Hinata next week. Sasuke and I were happy for them and wished them to have limitless happiness throughout their lives. 

"Jay san, there's a patient in Room 4. Can you heal him, please?" spoke a nurse, breaking my train of thought.

"Of course," I agreed and stood, putting a bookmark in the page I was reading. I placed the book in my desk drawer and stepped to the door so I could head over to Room 4.

Just as I reached the door, though, I felt lightheaded. It made me stumble and take the door frame for support while I held my head with my free hand. The dizziness quelled in seconds but rendered me tired and sweating. I shut my eyes a moment so I could regain composure.

"Oh goodness, are you alright, Jay?" asked the nurse, at my side immediately and with a hand on my shoulder.

"I'm alright," I answered, opening my eyes to meet worried orbs. "I haven't slept enough in the past three days, so I guess I'm just a little tired."

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