12 - Justice

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Hyun Jae pov:

Upon waking, I felt only exhaustion. My gaze remained on the ceiling for a few moments, my mind muddled from everything that had happened yesterday. The memories were vivid in my mind, every single detail clear, and I felt many emotions all at once.

With a deep sigh, I sat up. It made my body ache though, and there was a pricking pain in my hands that made me wince. Looking down at my hands, I noticed that they were wrapped in bandages - I recalled that I had ran my hands over the rose bushes and allowed the thorns to leave scratches on my palms. I slowly undid the bandages and healed the cuts quickly.

My mind was quickly filled with thoughts of Sasuke then. The words he had spoken when we were in the garden were still clear to me, echoed through me over and over again.

"Now that I know the truth, I don't plan on ever letting you go. I want you Jay. I don't want you to go to anyone else. I want your all for myself."

It was nothins short of strange that he had spoken those words. Surely it wasn't because he loved me...it couldn't be. There was nome who would wish to love someone like me, not after hearing about who I truly was. Anyone would loathe me, for being both rude and pathetic, pitiful even. I didn't want to drag anyone to depths of the darkness I had been thrust into, much less did I want Sasuke to considering how much he had already dealt with in his life.

My wish to push him away wavered when I thought of the kiss we had shared soon after he had spoken those words. It was gesture so deep, so desperate, so electrifying. The rush of emotions I had had at that moment along with the sparks I had felt in my body had both frightened me and made me feel as if I was in the safest place possible. His embrace was strong and, for those brief moments, I had nearly forgotten of my past, felt that it had been nothing more than a nightmare I had only dreamt.

Sasuke was someone I trusted now, more than I had trusted anyone else before. It was odd, considering the fact that he had always been cold and rude to me. He had changed though, very much since some time and the changes had become more and more prominent with the days that passed. The incident in Coal Village was probably the trigger for the greatest change in him. After the kiss we had shared on the journey, a sort of yearning had risen in me, and it had only increased as I had cried in his arms after confessing the truth about myself and sharinf another kiss with him that seemed to remove any remaining barriers between us.

I could not express just how reassured I had felt in that moment when in his arms, feeling protected, to be assured that there was someone who truly cared for me.

My thoughts were interrupted when the door of the room was slid open and Tenten stepped in. Upon noticing me awake, a smile of joy and relief came upon her face.

Coming to kneel next to me, she said, "It's great to see that you're awake. How do you feel?"

It was a moment before I could answer, more so because I was a little surprised at how friendly she was being after everything. Well, I suppose what I had confessed made it clear that I was a good person, but I had expected at least a little more scrutiny.

"I'm alright for the most part," I answered tentatively.

With a nod, she touched my forehead. "It's good that your temperature is gone."

"Temperature? What do you mean?" I questioned.

"After you told us about yourself yesterday, Sasuke ran after you. He returned carrying you in his arms - you had fainted and were running a high fever the entire night. Sasuke stayed with you the whole time."

"Sasuke," I mumbled. "Where is he now?"

"He met up with Prince Seiran to speak with the king about Juno. I suppose they are going to decide what to do about him," she answered.

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