09 | simplicity

186 11 14

"A simple man is fine with simple things, and therefore, his simple life. To most, they see him as someone who doesn't wish to strive for more... but in truth, he is merely satisfied with simplicity."

— Forbidden Fruits

— Forbidden Fruits

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The town of Deadwood was bustling with business—a bit more than what the people were used to on an average day—after the Mayor of Pikeingham's three sons came to visit, and after the celebration of medaling the young aspiring law enforcers. The night before had been a celebration of knocking their glasses together as they chorused with whiskey.

Content and very hungover, the following morning was surely dreaded by Marinette's brothers. But nonetheless, they had promised her the following day, and Cody was especially determined to keep his word.

"Marinette?" His knuckles thudded against her wooden door, a yawn escaping past his lips. He ran a hand over his face, the exhaustion clear in his features. He was still wearing his boxers too, shirtless and without a proper pair of pants in the middle of the hallway with decor of portraits.

He leaned his forehead against her door, knocking again when his first went unanswered. "Are you up yet? Surely you haven't forgotten 'bout our plans for t'day?"

The floorboards creaked to his right as Jasper appeared to be dragging his feet. The elder brother had dark circles underneath his eyes and his hair was so wild and tangled it looked like a rat's nest.

Cody tilted his head, keeping his forehead against his sister's bedroom door, and grinned, "Well, well, well, you look like shit."

"I feel like shit." Jasper groaned out. "How much did I even drink last night?"

"Too much if you expected me to be keepin' count for you." Cody chuckled, "It seems we all had a bit too much to drink last night, except for our dear brother, Elias."

"Ain't that the truth."

Cody offered his brother a tired smile. "Is Jesse up yet?"

"Oh he's up... up and'a movin', actin' as if he didn't even drink once."

Cody chuckled at that, allowing his eyes to flutter close for a brief moment.

"Perhaps you should put on some pants before Marinette opens the door." Jasper suggested.

The youngest brother out of them all glanced down at himself. In nothing but his tighty-whites, it was rather presumptuous of him to be standing right in front of his sister's bedroom door.

He let out a bellowed laugh. "Indeed. It seems I'm not even in my right mind at the moment. Perhaps Marinette would consider reschedulin' our plans—"

"Definitely not." Jasper folded his arms across his chest. "We promised her."

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