16 | deadvalley duel

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"The day a bullet decides your fate is the day your life is out of your control."

— Forbidden Fruits

— Forbidden Fruits

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The sun was barely over the horizon as Chat Noir stepped out into the town's already barren square, but the wind was already strong and gusty, sending sand rushing through the streets. Several bystanders stood off to the side or from behind the glass of a window, intending to be witnesses to what was about to unfold. Across the barren road stood Carter Grimes, dressed in denim, a black colored shirt, a red checkered neckerchief, a black ringo hat on his head, and black chaps with flowing leather pieces being pushed behind him in the wind.

But Chat Noir's attention was hardly on that. It was mostly on his choice of weapon—two dainty pistols strapped to his hips, poorly hidden under his partially untucked shirt. So... he intended to play dirtier than he imagined then—

"Well, well, well," Carter chuckled in amusement, cutting off Chat Noir's thoughts. "If it isn't my old friend. I've heard quite a bit 'bout you and what you've been up to as of late."

"I'm sure you have." Chat Noir's leather-gloved hand slowly moved to rest atop the hilt of his revolver.

Carter's eyes quickly darted to the movement, but his gaze held no worry. He looked entirely amused. "I see you're eager to settle the score. Reminds me of the days when we used to work together."

"The only score I plan to settle is sendin' you back down to hell."

"Hm." Carter pouted dramatically. He wasn't at all phased. "Well, that's no fun. The last hole you left me to rot in was the pinnacle of your betrayal."

"Don't get it twisted. You betrayed me."

Carter let out a head-splitting, detestable laugh at that. "It's called business; a vision I thought we both shared. But now I see you've decided to take her all for yourself."

Chat Noir's eyes darkened dangerously. "She doesn't concern you no more. You would be wise to remember that."

"We'll see 'bout that." Carter's hand hovered over the hilt of his revolver. He only seemed to be intending to use one, but Chat Noir knew better. If he knew Carter Grimes well enough, he knew the man intended to make sure this was the last sight he ever saw.

At the sound of a bystander's whistle, they turned their backs to one another. Another whistle sounded and they began the start of their twenty steps. With each synchronized step they took, the ground seemed to tremble beneath their feet. The witness of his second, Nino, and a couple of his men accompanying him, stood amongst the bystanders with worried and conflicted expressions, whereas Grimes's witnesses were smirking, looking arrogant and dastardly.

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