17 | mixed signals

330 14 13

"What is the truth if not a sign?"

— Forbidden Fruits

— Forbidden Fruits

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Chat Noir wouldn't spare a glance over his shoulder at Tumbleweed Valley.

It was out of his sight now anyway, the hidden village so far that it felt lost in the desert to him now. The last time he visited Tumbleweed Valley, he told himself he would never return, but this time he meant it. There was nothing left for him there besides dreaded memories and part of a haunted past. Nothing good ever came out of that place.

Except for when Marinette admitted her feelings for him and kissed him.

An audible sigh left his lips as he replayed the memory in his head. Marinette was everything he could have possibly imagined. He could still feel the ghost of her soft lips pressed against his, the way their mouths moved in sync as if they had rehearsed such a blissful dance for decades. The lingering soft touches of her fingers could still be felt running along his bare chest and it sent tingles down his spine just at the thought of it. All he wanted was to be able to do it all over again.

But then he remembered why he shouldn't. Marinette had no idea it was her that had caused the destruction of his family. She also wasn't aware of the danger that lingered nearby no matter how far they traveled. It was only a matter of time before his reputation hurt her.

Which is why, since they had shared that kiss, Chat Noir had been keeping a bit of distance between them. He figured it would do her well. To allow her to further her feelings for him now would only hurt her later.

However, Marinette didn't seem to share that same sentiment considering her eyes hadn't left him since they started their trek through the desert once again.

He sighed again, this time sounding defeated. "How long do you plan to stare at me?" He spared a glance at her then, arching a single brow. "Have you even blinked?"

Ironically, she blinked then. He wondered if she had done so on purpose.

He turned to face forward again. "The desert heat can dry out your eyes, in case you were wonderin'."

Marinette ignored his questions, along with his commentary. Instead, she asked, "Why are you acting so odd?"

He found himself rolling his eyes. "Somehow I am the odd one when you are the one who hasn't stopped starin' at me?"

"You know what I mean." Marinette narrowed her eyes at him. Lowering her voice, she added, "Ever since 'you know what' you haven't looked me in the eye for more than five seconds."

He forgot how observant she was.

"You needn't read too much into it."

"And why is that?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13 ⏰

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