15 | pistols at dawn

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"Corruption doesn't care how old you are. It doesn't care about anything really; except for how much damage it can do. It has always cared about that."

— Forbidden Fruits

— Forbidden Fruits

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The desert heat pricked at his skin as Chat Noir wandered through the boisterous market of Tumbleweed Valley. He passed stand after stand, each man managing his booth waving their arms at him or trying to shove whatever product they were selling right in his face. Most of them sold weapons you couldn't find anywhere else, and anyone was eligible to buy them—as long as you had coin in your pocket. Others sold drugs that could be more valuable than gold coin itself. What people would acquire to get said drugs... he knew that could lead to death.

Chat Noir never did business in Tumbleweed Valley. He didn't care if he was without a weapon. He would travel across the entire desert without a pistol on his belt or a knife in his hand before he ever considered giving any of these men any more coin than necessary. Paying for the rooms for the night had been bad enough. Watching the greedy grin spread across Lotto's face had only reminded him of the past—back when his parents had done too much business in Tumbleweed Valley and had paid the price for it.

What bothered him the most wasn't the lack of trustworthiness from the people of Tumbleweed Valley. It was their lack of loyalty that boiled his blood. They were only there to lend a hand when it benefited them. But as soon as they could gain nothing, well, you were on your own.

And that's exactly what happened to his parents.

How Chat Noir and Kit even managed to escape, he still wouldn't know. To this day, he simply considered it luck. Back then, he'd been a frightened little child suddenly burdened with having to care for his sister in a world that had no remorse for their situation. Now, the same people who once discarded him had fear crawling up their arms whenever he passed.

To his right, a woman called out to him with several linens draped over her arms. She was offering robes for the desert heat. He briefly glanced at the array of colors she had to offer. Perhaps, despite his great dislike for spending money in Tumbleweed Valley, he would purchase one for Marinette. Heaven knows the desert sun was treating her harshly.

So, he did. He continued on his way with a red robe draped over his arm. He would lecture himself for giving into the merchantries bribing tactics later. For now, he would relish the fact that this purchase would be beneficial.

Another stand up ahead came into view. It was a food stand covered with roasted meats. His mouth watered just at the sight of it, but instead of purchasing roasted pork, he simply turned his head away, ignoring the pitiful rumbling in his stomach.

Briefly, he considered stealing some—which he knew he would have no problem doing. But the last thing he needed was to be caught stealing in Tumbleweed Valley. Not only would he doom himself, but he would doom his comrades and Marinette. He wasn't about to put their lives on the line.

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