12 | a strange connection

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"A connection between two people is wonderful, but a connection between two souls is rare."

— Forbidden Fruits

— Forbidden Fruits

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Chat Noir awoke with a massive headache.

He rarely ever got those much anymore, but the one he had now felt like his entire skull was on fire. A wince escaped his lips as he squeezed his already shut eyes. Green dots were dancing all along his black vision. When he tried to squint one eye open, his vision was too blurry to make out any of his surroundings. All he knew was that he was somewhere oddly dark.

With a grunt, he tried to lift his head, only to lamely fall back onto the pillow behind him when he realized trying to move only strained his neck—

And wait... a pillow?

His eyes suddenly snapped open, and another wince escaped past his gritted teeth when it brought a wave of extreme dizziness and nausea from the hasty motion. He quickly closed his eyes again and his hands flew out to blindly feel his surroundings, quickly realizing that he was laying out on some blankets, his head propped up slightly on a poorly sewn pillow he'd stolen from that night they'd stayed at the inn.

Sighing heavily through his nose, he took his time in slowly reopening his eyes and tilted his head to the side.

And then his eyes widened again when they clashed with a familiar pair of mesmerizing blue-bell irises.

"Marinette?" His eyes furrowed in slight confusion as they carefully tried to search her face. His vision was still a bit blurry, but he could make out a frown on her lips, an expression he was all too familiar with.

She didn't respond. In fact, she didn't even twitch an eye. She just stared at him, not even bothering to blink. Idly, he wondered how she could stare so long without blinking. Weren't her eyes burning?

His eyes narrowed ever further. "Why are you starin' at me like that?"

With that, he earned a reaction out of her, but it was simply a twitch of her perfect pink lips as her frown deepened. But that was it. She didn't say a word, and she certainly didn't bother to answer his question.

That frustrated him. "Where the hell am I?" With a groan, he tried to sit up once again, but his neck relented and so did his throbbing ribs. Another wince left his lips as one of his hands came to rest on this aching side. "Damn, that hurts."

Marinette's tongue poked out, which briefly wetted her bottom lip. His eyes quickly darted to the moment. She exhaled heavily and her shoulders slouched forward. "You almost died."

He arched a single brow in confusion. "That doesn't answer my question."

Her brows furrowed even further in annoyance. "You almost died."

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