13 | change of heart

231 11 13

"People are so quick to judge what they see at first glance. They end up missing out on the whole picture because of that."

— Forbidden Fruits

— Forbidden Fruits

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What awoke most the following morning wasn't a chorus of synchronized birds singing at the top of their lungs, but instead, it was the desert sun barely climbing over the peak of the distant mountain ranges. Even with little light, it still seemed to be plenty for Chat Noir's men to begin packing their belongings. Although it was still dark, they seemed eager to leave, and in fact, the morning itself was relieving for everyone who'd been unfortunate enough to spend the night in the middle of the treacherous bear country. However, it did mean that no grizzly had come lumbering through their camp—which was a good thing!

But for Marinette, waking up hadn't been so relieving.

Soft snores are what slowly awoke her. It was still dark inside the tent, but Marinette's eyes easily adjusted as she took in her surroundings. Kit was already gone, probably already outside helping pack up camp if the low murmurs of the men were anything to go by. Her eyes widened, however, when she caught the sight of Chat Noir sound asleep at her side, his mouth slightly agape as he snored. For once, his brows were relaxed, indicating just how comfortable he was while he slept. His blonde mop-top was poking out all over the place, framing his chiseled jawline.

The first thought that crossed her mind was that he was vulnerable. Sure, he was physically injured, but that wasn't the type of vulnerability she meant. He was letting himself be vulnerable by allowing her to sleep here in his tent with him, knowing fully well that she intended to kill him.

She could do it too. Her eyes drifted over to his belt hung at the entrance of the tent on a hook beside his hat, where the holster of his revolver still hung. All she had to do was grab his pistol and shoot a bullet right through his brain. Sure, the guards would hear it right after, and she might be sentenced to death herself for killing their leader... but...

But... do you actually want to kill him?

Her eyes widened as her subconscious nagged at her. That wasn't supposed to be her thought process. Her next thought was supposed to be: but was her life something she was willing to risk?

But now, it seemed even she wasn't so sure if killing him was what she truly wanted.

After last night, when Marinette thought about taking Chat Noir's life, she thought about how it would hurt Kit—the only woman she'd ever loathed in her entire life. It was ridiculous, and yet, she had sympathy for her. They were siblings; the only family they had left was each other. After hearing Kit's cries from Chat Noir's tent last night, she could only imagine just how devastated the already broken young woman would be if Marinette were to take her brother's life.

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