07 | a priceless name

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"To lose someone you love is truly a devastating thing. But for them to never know that you loved them is what makes your loss all the more agonizing."

— Forbidden Fruits

— Forbidden Fruits

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After their stop at the river, Chat Noir and his hoard of men road until the sun began to set. He decided to settle in a clearing amongst the wasteland desert which was an advantage for those who had shifts to keep watch that night. It was also an advantage for himself in order to keep a closer eye on Marinette.

There were many reasons why Chat Noir chose to pair his own sister with Marinette. For one, he didn't trust most of his men to remain respectful, and if one of them were to even consider looking at Marinette the wrong way... well... Chat Noir would have lived up to the murderer part of his reputation. Secondly, he figured Marinette would be more comfortable being handled by a woman rather than one of his men or even himself.

But from the look on Marinette's face, he'd been wrong. All he had to do was glance at her for a second to know that something was wrong, and it didn't take him more than a minute to figure out that her bleeding lip was caused because his sister was being incredibly nasty.

He knew Kit had her reasons for disliking her, though he wouldn't say those reasons were valid to take out on Marinette. Marinette was one of the people Kit blamed for their parents' deaths. He would always be on the top of her list when it came to blaming others though, because she also continued to accuse him for choosing Marinette over their parents... which wasn't a choice he ever made. It was never about choosing someone over the other. To him, it had always been about doing the right thing.

Even now, he was risking everything to keep Marinette off of the Reaper's radar.

Since the first time he had ever saved Marinette's life, Chat Noir vowed two things. One, he would never tell Marinette of the events from which he spared her, and two, he would always do the same for any innocent being ever caught in the Reaper's sights. However, he sometimes found himself doubting whether or not that second one was actually true. He knew the main reason why he went to such great lengths to protect Marinette was because he liked her, but would he have done the same for someone he disliked?

His parents would have.

Chat Noir sighed dejectedly. There was too much on his mind. He needed to clear his head, but first, he needed to a have word with Kit.

A fire was built not a moment past sunset by some of his men, which dimly illuminated their campsite rather well. Blankets were laid out as many decided to hit the sack rather early. From afar, he watched with narrowed, calculated eyes as his sister prepared the spot where Marinette would be sleeping for the night. His eyes shifted over towards Marinette several times during the last interaction she shared with his sister that night, studying her body language mostly.

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