11 | bear country

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"Sometimes even the sharpest eye can miss what's right in front of it."

— Forbidden Fruits

— Forbidden Fruits

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Chat Noir was awoken by the sound of the bedroom window creaking open.

He already knew who it was; he didn't even have to acknowledge her presence, and yet, he did so nonetheless and turned onto his right side to face her. Sure enough, it was his sister adorned in her grey hood who quietly descended from the windowsill and into the darkness of the room. To any other man, she would have done so unnoticed, because that was just how stealthy she was. Kit could steal a man's belongings and be gone as quickly as she came before he even realized they were missing.

But Chat Noir was not just any man. He could hear anyone who tried to approach him like such, and he surely recognized his sister's distinct footsteps. Her head turned towards him when she realized he was awake, and the bag that hung from her shoulder slid off as she placed it on the floor.

"I was so quiet." She whispered into the darkness. Only her silhouette was visible, but he was certain her features resembled that of pure disappointment. "How did ya even hear me?"

"You should know by now that my hearin' is as good as a cat's." His voice was teasing, but his smile slowly fell from his lips when he realized that she was late. He had been expecting her hours ago when he'd first given the order for sleeping arrangements.

"Where have you been?" He slowly sat up and swung his legs over the side of the bed. He reached out for his ringo hat, which had been placed on the night-side table, and placed it atop his blonde bedhead hair.

"I tried beggin' Nino to let me stay in his room for the night," she admitted unashamedly with a nonchalant shrug. "But ya know how he is. Wouldn't dare think 'bout goin' 'gainst your orders. So, I decided to go lootin' instead."

Chat Noir's eyes widened at that. Not because his rebellious little sister had deliberately tried to disobey his orders or that Nino had diligently stuck to them (he'd have to remember to reward that man later), but the fact that his sister had gone out to steal in a town infested with ruthless outlaws?

His eyes quickly darted to the bag. "What did you steal?"

"Oh ya know, a couple of gold nuggets. A pair of golden spurs for me boots—"

"Where did you acquire such finds?"

Now that he had stepped closer to her, he could make out his sister's expression in the darkness. Kit arched an unimpressed brow at him. "Where do ya think? This place is infested with bandits who've got scores upon scores just lyin' 'round in their rooms."

Chat Noir instantly lunged for the bag at her feet. His sister let him, simply folding her arms across her chest. When the contents of the bag revealed what she had said was the truth, Chat Noir raised his head to look at her, mouth agape. "Have you lost your mind?"

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