Chapter One

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"stupid, stupid, stupid" I whispered under my breath "what's gotten you in such a mood?" cristina asked leaning against the nurses station beside me. "Addison, she keeps treating me like a resident when I'm not, I'm an attending" I grumbled looking over my patient charts my interns had written earlier.

"It's because she's a bitch" Cristina mumbled making sure the demonic redhead was nowhere to be seen. "shit she's coming" Cristina shouted before running away. "Cristina, no, cristina! Don't-"

"Dr. Grey" Addison greeted. "Montgomery" I mumbled staying focused on my charts "How's our patient doing?" she asked

"I'm not an intern. If you want to know how our patient is you should just ask an intern because I am an attending now. So stop treating me like I'm a fucking baby" I erupted, storming off.

What the hell was her problem? First she was quizzing me during surgery and now for updates about our patient when if she really wanted to know she could just ask her God damn intern!

I pushed open the on-call room door shutting it quickly behind me. Taking off my shoes I sighed and turned up my phone notification volume in case any of my interns or patients needed me while I was napping.

My eyes shut as my head hit the pillow and I fell asleep shortly after. Dreaming dreams of blood and open body cavities.

*beep beep beep*

My phone buzzed. 911 Mrs Clarkson - Dr montgomery. Crap I mumbled pulling on my navy converse and white lab coat before running out of the on-call room.

"Montgomery whats happening!?" I asked as I ran to meet Addison and our patient on their way to OR 2 "the babies in distress we're going to deliver and your going to need to repair that liver" she explained pushing the hospital bed down the hall along with two interns.

We scrubbed in quickly and got to work on the crashing patient.

"I'm not going to be able to fully repair this liver. She's going to need a transplant. I'm basically going to have to put a band aid on it" I rambled as my hands worked their magic on Mrs. Clarksons liver.

"That's okay grey as long as shes makes it off this table to meet her beautiful little girl that's all that matters" Addison replied as she cleaned the baby and cleared her airways.

"Take her to the nicu" she told the nurses. "yes Dr. Montgomery" they muttered as they wheeled the crying baby away.

"Grey are you okay here or do you need help?" Addison asked as she was about to leave.

What was her problem with asking if I was going to be okay?

"I'm fine Dr. Montgomery"

The surgery was over after another hour and a half and Mrs. Clarkson was brought to the I.C.U for observation. Her liver was severely damaged and she would need a new one but I hoped that I had it salvaged enough for her to make it until we find a transplant.

"Dr. Grey I'm done the rest of my charts" Jo wilson, my intern for the week, said handing me the skyscraper sized stack. "thank you Wilson, I'll go over them now. Mrs Clarkson should be awake soon and I'd like you to check up on her when she does"

"yes Dr. Grey" and with that Jo left, leaving me to the mountain of charts I had to look over.

"Dr. Grey, good job in surgery this morning" Addison praised as she sat down across from me in the conference room. "you thought I couldn't do it" I mumbled keeping my eyes on the charts in front of me.

I was annoyed at the redhead. I trusted her. I looked up to her and she thought I couldn't do it. She thought I was going to fail.

"I only asked if you wanted help. I knew you could do it" addison replied tilting her head slightly.

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