Chapter Seven

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Ooo,mer,  what about this one?” Addison asked picking up the shell of a bear “It’s so cute, it reminds me of you”

“That's so sweet Addie, I love it” Meredith said as she kissed Addison's hand she was holding. Never in her life had she felt so comfortable around another person so quickly she just couldn't fathom it.

Addison had shown up in her life a decade ago and they only got closer and started talking in the last few weeks, so to say she found the situation she was currently in, a little odd, was an understatement. But for once in her life new didnt scare her, it excited her, it left her wondering what fresh and exhilarating adventure was waiting for her around the corner. Whatever it was, she knew she would be sharing it with addison. She knew this because whenever she looked into her eyes time froze and all she could think about was how gorgeous her girlfriends eyes were.

“I'm going to dress my one the way you're dressed right now”

“That's a good idea, i'm going to pick one out and dress it like you”

The two spent a half an hour wandering around the shop, picking out their bears and the clothes that looked the most like what they were wearing right in that moment and when they had finally picked everything out it was time to stuff their bears and make a wish on the heart and meredith knew just the wish she was going to make.

‘ i wish that every time i look into her eyes i fall in love all over again ‘

She had told addison that she liked her, she really liked her,  but she never told her that she was falling deeply and madly in love with her every time she smiled, every time she laughed and everytime she looked into her eyes she could feel herself falling, falling so deep that she knew if anything ever happened to them her heart would be left forever broken.

“What did you wish for?” Addison asked tilting her head adorably and Meredith brought her hand to her cheek, rubbing it gently.

“If I told you it wouldn't come true, Now would it?” she said, sending the other woman a mischievous wink.

“You're a tease grey”

“I don't know what your talking about”

They watched in comfortable silence as the machine stuffed their bears, the hearts now buried deep inside them. Meredith looked down at their hands that were still intertwined, smiling brightly when Addison gave her hand a small squeeze, which she returned.

Cristina was going to have a field day later when she told her how her date went and started blabbering about eye contact and hand holding and heads resting on shoulders she thought as Addison rested her head on hers. Then she decided she didn't care how much teasing Cristina would do, she was happy. For the first time in years she was actually happy and she knew once her best friend saw that she would do everything she could to make sure they stayed together.

The last thing the had to do with their bears was dress them, Addison had picked out a black shirt and pants for her bear and meredith picked navy dress and a cute little tiara for her bear they had so much fun that they didn't even notice the time fly by and as they left, hand in hand, the doors of build-a-bear shut.   

“Thank you for this meredith, I had a great time” Addison smiled as they walked out of the mall and into the car park in search of meredith's jeep. The rain pitter pattered off of the footpath wetting Addison's hair, Meredith carefully placed her blazer jacket over Addison before she got completely soaked.

Meredith started giggling as she twirled them around in the rain. Their feet moving in time they danced happily, never losing track of the other woman's eyes. “God I love the rain” Meredith laughed as she pulled Addison flush against her chest.

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