Chapter Four

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The last four days of merediths recovery had consisted of addison sneaking in and out of merediths House before and after shifts to make sure she was doing okay and to bring her snacks and her favourite strawberry icecream.

Meredith was glad to have addison visiting because as much as she loved Alex and Cristina they didn't provide cuddles and head massages to (as addison liked to put it) 'promote a faster recovery' and meredith wasn't complaining.

The start of her recovery was horrifically boring but towards the end she decided, If she could, she would stay like this forever. She loved having addison to herself and not having to worry about nosey nurses put her thoughts at ease.

She was still worried that one day her roommate's would stumble in after she had forgotten to close the door but they never did, they seemed to avoid her room at all costs even Cristina only checked up on her once and that was through a phonecall that ended five seconds after it started. She was sure something was going on with her friends but at this moment she didn't really care.


"Are you sure your ready to go back today? I can ask Richard if you can gave a few more days off, he won't mind" addison fussed she was enjoying her time spent with meredith and she was worried that once she got back to work she wouldn't want anything to do with her anymore.

"I'm sure, besides it will be good for me I'm going slightly insane from not operating" meredith replied as she finished packing her work bag.

"Alright then, I'll go make you a coffee Stevens, omalley and yang should be gone by now" addison sighed defeated.

"Okay I'll be down in a minute" meredith smiled up at addison and reached out her hand for the other woman's. Addison complied and gave meredith her hand to which meredith brought it to her lips and left a gentle kiss on the back of it.

Addison blushed before smiling and clumsily leaving shutting the door firmly behind her.

She strutted into the kitchen keeping her eyes on the ground in an attempt to get rid of the blush before meredith came down.

"Dr.Montgomery what are you doing here?" Izzie Stevens asked from her perch at the kitchen table.

"Oh uhm Dr. Grey called for a consult on our shared patient, she needed the information before she came back to work" addison lied she knew Stevens bought the lie but Alex and Cristina she was unsure of, they were a bit more tunned in than their counterpart.

"I'm sure she did" cristina remarked not even looking up from her magazine until Alex started choking on his coffee.

"Must of been a very hot consult" Alex joined in earning an not so gentle elbow from cristina.

"Isn't meredith going back to work today? Couldnt you of consulted with her then?" George asked . Damn it George addison thought to herself.

"Oh, she is but like I said she wanted the case before she went back" addison smiled through gritted teeth she wasn't a fan of lying but she'd let it slide on this occasion.

"Shit" she heard from behind her addison knew who it was without even having to turn (obviously, meredith was the only other person in the house).

"Nice of you to join us grey, I've got that case you asked for" addison snarked turning around to send meredith a wink.

"Oh my god thank you" meredith smiled but after a small glare from addison she toned down her happiness a bit "you couldn't of gotten it here any sooner? Now I've only a half an hour to look over it" she grumbled grabbing the case off of addison as she stormed past her.

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