Chapter Two

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Meredith grey left the office of addison montgomery slightly stunned after their near kiss. It all felt so strange the feeling of butterflies fluttering in her stomach but those butterflies soon dispersed when she ran into cristina and fell to the ground with a hard thump.

Her shoulder hurt as she looked up at her best friend whom reached out her hand to help her back up "sorry 'bout that" meredith apologised. She held onto her shoulder tight as a sharp pain ran through it.

"did you hurt your arm cristina asked noticing the wince meredith let out" what where you even thinking about? You looked out of it".

"it's fine I'll get callie to look at it".

"what about...." cristina trailed off as the blonde turned to leave.

"we can talk about it later at Joe's" meredith shouted behind her as she scampered away leaving cristina even more curious than she had been earlier that day when herself and callie saw addison escort meredith to her office for a bandaid.

Meredith sat in exam room 3 waiting patiently for callie to receive her page and come down to her for a consult.

"I don't know addie, she probably just wants to talk to me about a patient" meredith heard callie from the other side of the door.

"fine but tell me if there's something wrong with her,okay?" she heard addisons voice in a hushed whisper and the door clicked open to reveal callie and a flustered addison behind her.

"hi guys" meredith said from where she sat on the exam table, holding her arm where it hurt.

"you paged me grey?" callie asked jumping straight to the point while also trying to shoo away her best friend, but addison had spotted meredith cradling her arm and being as stubborn as she was she rooted herself to the spot and refused to leave.

"what's wrong with your arm?" she asked walking through the door, pushing herself past callie.

"I ran into cristina, I didn't see her and I fell and banged my arm pretty hard off the floor" meredith laughed at her own stupidity.

"Oh my god meredith" addison gasped as she bagan to examine merediths arm.

"that's my job" callie interrupted removing addison from the blonde and examining the arm herself.

"I'm going to have to put a sling on it. Rest it and no surgery for at least a week" callie demanded "i'll be back in five. Don't go anywhere"

The door shut behind callie and addison rushed quickly to merediths side again. "my surgery got cancelled"

"my mind was distracted by a certain redhead ob" meredith smirked gesturing to her shoulder.

"would a certain blonde like me to kiss it better?" addison teased leaning closer to meredith so that their faces were a mere few centimetres apart.

"she would" meredith breathed leaning in closer and closer to addison, her eyes closed once they were close enough.

"sorry that took so long" callie said as she opened the door and addison jumped away from meredith like a scalded cat.

"you okay addie? , you look a little mad" callie said "were you two at eachothers throats again?"

" something like that" meredith smirked as callie put the sling around her neck and under her arm, tying it securely.

She thanked callie and sent a wink to addison before leaving for Richards office to tell him the news of her week of consults and no surgery. She knew he wouldn't be too happy but he would have to get over it.

Somehow her hatred and annoyance towards addison had shifted to something else. something she wasn't sure of yet. Something she had never felt before and that feeling startled her more than anything.

She was lost in thought again which probably wasn't the best idea. But she continued that way none the less. Until she reached Richards office she then took a deep breathe before knocking.


Richard took the news as she had expected. He had given out to her for her stupidity and clumsyness but eventually calmed down enough to give her a hug and tell her to take as much time off as she needs to heal her three million dollar a year arm.

Which she was strangely happy about. It would give her plenty of time to think about her feelings towards addison and what she wanted to do about them.

She definitely wanted to kiss the redhead. She knew that for certain but the question she found herself asking constantly was 'what happens after?'. Do they go back to being enemies or do they become friends or maybe even something more. She wasn't sure yet.

But right in this second of time what she was sure of was that she wanted to eat a whole carton of her favourite strawberry ice cream while watching her favourite movies.

So she grabbed a carton from the freezer and wrapped herself up in a blanket on her couch and put on a movie.

Half way through 'just go with it' (her favourite jennifer aniston movie) a knock sounded at the door "come in" she shouted too lazy to get up.

"grey! you can't leave your door open like that, you could have been kidnapped or murdered!" addison gave out as she entered the sitting room door, her bag in hand.

"addie? What are you doing here?" meredith smiled, patting the empty space beside her.

"it's day three since you hurt your arm and I missed you and wanted to see how you were doing"

Meredith leaned into Addison's shoulder the second she sat down, letting out a contented sigh. "oh I almost forgot, here" addison said pulling two large pints of strawberry icecream out of her bag as well as two spoons and a box of her favourite chocolate chip cookies.

"what's all this?"

"comfort food. To make you feel better and I know you already have ice cream but you can save it for later. Cristina told me they were your favourite as well as Chinese food but we can get that later"

"That's so sweet addie" meredith smiled. Nobody had ever done anything like this for her before. Nobody ever cared enough to, but addison did and that meant a lot to meredith. More than addison would ever know.

And after three long sleepless nights both addison and meredith fell asleep in each other's arms. Wrapped tightly in Meredith's blanket. Sure they would be sore tomorrow but neither of them cared because in that moment they were comfortable.

After about four months, here's chapter two. It was only supposed to be a one shot but if you guys still want more I'm more than willing to write it! ❤️

Stay safe, love meddison and also have a great pride 🏳️‍🌈💗

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