Chapter Eight

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"How was it?" Arizona screeched as Addison shut the door and hung her jacket on its hook athe door. She tried to act casual as she slipped off her heels and left her car keys and handbag on the little table one the left of her.

"How was what?" Addison asked a huge smirk spread across her lips, which she tried to hide by keeping herself turned away from Arizona and teddy.

"The date," Teddy said excitedly. They weren't going to give up where they were? She turned around to face them trying desperately to hide the blush that was slowly creeping up her cheeks.

"I didn't have a date"

"So callie was lying"


"Then why were you kissing Meredith Grey on our porch" arizona asked, trying her hardest not to burst into laughter, it was too late for teddy she was already on the floor in fits of giggles.

"You, uhm, you guys saw that?" Addison asked, playing with her fingers, trying to come off calm and unfazed but inside she felt like she was about to burst with excitement.

"Yeah, and you seem really into her addie" arizona said calming down a small bit nudging teddy in the ribs trying to tell her to gather herself too before addison threw something at them or even worse decided to hold out on them.

"Okay it was amazing it was the best date ever!" Addison squealed, almost jumping up and down like an over excited sixteen year old. "She is the most amazing person i've ever met. She's so sweet and her smile is so precious i think i almost melted more than once"

"I knew it" Arizona shrieked excitedly, bouncing up and down. "Let's go into the kitchen and get some coffee while we talk"

"How about tea, i don't think you need anymore coffee" addison giggled as the three walked into the kitchen still a ball of laughter and excitement. "She also asked me to be her girlfriend"

Teddy gasped as she filled the kettle with water "what did you say?" she asked, turning the kettle on and leaning on the counter in front of Addison, eager to hear the rest of Addison's story about her amazing date.

"I said yes!"

"Omg addie!" Teddy and Arizona shrieked. "We are so happy for you" Arizona said as they both hugged addison.

"She's just, she's so amazing. I can't believe I spent years of my life trying my hardest to hate her, ''Addison said, stirring her teabag around her cup. "Also as if kissing her a bunch of times and being her girlfriend wasnt enough shes coming over tomorrow to hang out"

All three women squealed excitedly jumping up and down. She was glad her friends were as excited for her as she was, they knew how long it had taken for her to find someone who cared for her and was interested in her and what she did as meredith was.

They talked and talked about everything that had been going on with meredith for the last few weeks until late into the night when addison decided that she had to try to get to bed because she didnt want to be tired tomorrow when meredith came over.


Meredith could hardly contain her excitement as she rang the doorbell of addisons house, she held her bag in one hand and docs leash in the other. Arizona answered the door her smirk on her face told her everything. Addison had told her everything.

"Im so happy for you two" she said bringing meredith in for a hug and taking docs lead "shes upstairs i'll take him out to rosie"

"Okay thanks" meredith said giving arizona the lead and heading up the stairs, she wasn't sure which room was addisons but she would figure it out. She was so excited to see her she hardly slept at all last night, especially since lexie and april kept on encouraging her talking.

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