Chapter Five

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"So I want to ask you something and you don't have to say anything but-" meredith started but quickly got interrupted by addison "god meredith, spit it out"

"Addison Montgomery, will you do me the honour of going out on a date with me?" Meredith asked her nerves shooting through the roof and her palms sweating like there was no tomorrow.

"Of course I will meredith" addison smiled sweetly taking the coffee meredith was holding out to her.

Merediths pager bleeped as she took a sip of her own coffee "I've got to go now but I'll pick you up at seven" meredith said before scurrying off in the direction of her patient.

Addisons mind buzzed with questions, thoughts and feelings like: what will I wear? And what if I'm too old? She liked meredith she really did but her body had been changing a lot recently and she was worried meredith wouldn't like what she saw.

"Anything you want to talk to me about?" Callie asked popping up beside addison jumpscaring her out of her thoughts.

"Nope" addison replied vaguely staring off into the distance.

"You sure?" Callie asked

"Nope" addison replied once again still staring into the distance "it's just that I'm kind of seeing someone and she's amazing like I've never met anyone like her before but I feel- I feel old" she rambled her bestfriend sat listening intently beside her.

"your not old addie your still just as beautiful as the day I met you" callie said "and besides if she already likes you for your personality she's not going to care what's under your clothes."

"Thanks cal your right" addison shrugged her shoulders and gave a slight smile.

"Who's the lucky girl?" She asked with a smirk. Callie knew full well who the lucky girl was but she didn't want to let her know she knew she wanted her to tell her it was meredith when she was ready.

"Uhm well you know her" addison started "she's blonde and she's got the most gorgeous greeny blue eyes you've ever seen and she's smart super smart. She's dreamy really and whenever I talk to her it's always so easy and the cuddles are magical I've never slept better than I do in her arms"

"That's great addie I'm really really happy for you"

"I'm not telling you who it is though because as of now we are happy in our little bubble"

"Okay addie catch you later"

"See ya cal"


"Sooooo" cristina started as they operated on a shared patient "How's Satan".

"Cristina" meredith warned. She loved her best friend she really did but cristina loves details and meredith wasn't ready to give them yet.

"Alright alright" cristina pouted "I'm just desperate for some bit of excitement or gossip my life's dead quiet and teddy's ghosting me"

"Fine" meredith sighed "I've got a date tonight I'm going to need your help getting ready I already know what we're doing I've been planning this for ages but I just don't know what to wear"

"Okay well I'm done after this I'll come over and help you pick something out" cristina said "and just so you know I think you and Satan look lovely together"

"Who are you and what have you done with the real cristina?" Meredith asked sarcastically "oh haha very funny mer but I can be nice you know especially when it comes to you" cristina said with a small laugh.

"So where are you taking her?" Cristina asked after a few moments of silence passed.

"Two seconds" meredith replied turning her head to face her intern jo Wilson. "If you breathe a word of what we are discussing right now to anyone I will make sure your life is miserable" she said giving the quacking intern her infamous 'medusa glare'.

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