Chapter Six

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"Mer, calm down, look at me" Cristina said grabbing her person by the shoulders and turning her around to look her in the eyes.

"I can't do this cristina. I thought I could but I'm scared" Meredith cried tears rolling down her cheeks.

"Meredith Grey what have you to be scared of?" Cristina asked her person "Are you afraid she's is going to drop dead because of how gorgeous you are or that her lungs might explode from laughter, because mer, your the funniest, smartest, kindest person I know, Now you are going to go out to the hospital, you're going to pick her up in the jeep that I spent hours cleaning for you and then your going to knock her off her feet. Got it!?"

"But, cristina, she's the most stunning, beautiful woman I've ever laid eyes on. I'll never be good enough, Im way out of her league" meredith sobbed.

"Meredith Grey!" Cristina shouted . Being soft and understanding clearly wasn't getting through her friends thick scull so she would have to be a bit of an asshole to make her see sense. "If you don't get your ass dressed and out that door for your date with the woman thats so obviously in love with you, I'm going to bitch slap you, and after I bitch slap you, you will become my scut monkey for as long as I want and before you say I know were not residents anymore but I'll still make you do my dirty work"

"Now, what are you wearing" Cristina said once she caught her breathe again.

"I was thinking my black shirt and pants with my black converse the ones with the white on them and those earrings you got me for secret santa last year " Meredith replied wiping the salty tears off her face.

"Hair up or down?" Cristina asked as she pulled the articles of clothing out of Merediths wardrobe.

"I'm not sure"

"Okay I'll decide. Messy bun. It will make your neck more noticeable"

"Why my neck?"

"Here, just trust me " Cristina said handing meredith the pile of clothes and shooing her into the walk in wardrobe to change.

When Meredith came out of the closet her friends jaw almost hit the floor "my baby's all grown up"
Cristina said sarcastically "now quick, because I have a patient to get back to and your my lift"

"Callie" addison whined as she came out of her closet "I don't know what to wear nothing looks good enough on me"

"Okay I'm one hundred percent sure that's not true" Callie said looking up from her magazine she was reading on addisons bed "let me look" Callie said moving addison out of the way of the closet.

After five minutes Callie walked out and laid addisons outfit out onto the bed making sure the clothes didn't get wrinkly.

" There you go, now five minutes to get changed or I'm going to have to go to the hospital without you, so chop, chop" callie said leaving the room to presumably get her jacket and keys fromt the hallway downstairs.

"You'll be fine" addison mumbled to herself as she slipped on the flowy navy blue dress that callie picked out for her and the matching heels to go with it, her hair was curled to perfection and all that was missing was her favourite necklace.

"Addie co-"

"I'm done" addison said as she waltzed her was down the stairs "what do you think"

"I think mers going to be mesmerised"

"Thank you cal"

"No problem now quick we really need to go. The interns are in charge of my patient and I really don't trust Ross"

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