Kim Seok-Jin X Black Reader ( Song A.U)

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As The World Caves In - Matt Maltese

I told myself no, that I wasn't going to go because of what or more so who I knew was going to be here. I told myself I was good, that I was doing great and things were changing, I didn't have to be scared to go to a stupid ball. I was going to make sure the chances of me seeing them would stay low. Getting an invite from Hybe to their annual ball was not supposed to cause a whirlwind of emotions to invade my chest, it was supposed to be an invite to see my old friends and coworkers again after leaving all those months ago in a beautiful setting. The thing is, I wouldn't only be seeing them, unbeknownst to them all, I would be seeing and facing the very reason for my leaving.

Kim Seok-Jin.

I try to take deep breaths. I look around me to see the hallway leading to the ballroom doors still empty as I place my back against the wall. Unsurprisingly, my heart beats faster just at the thought of him. Even after all these months, he still can do that to me. I don't know how I'm supposed to face him, maybe trying to come here without figuring that out first was a bad idea. Putting a hand over my face I try to encourage my feet to keep moving as I make my way to the doors, the sound of loud talking growing louder as I get closer.

Orange and red decorate the hallway as I stop to see the sun setting through the wall-length windows Hybe put in recently. I have always got distracted by the ball of fire that warms our home, and only one person knows how deeply in love I am with it during moments like this. I turn away from the direction of the door before taking a place in front of the windows as I watch the sky turn into a pool of dark pink. The longer I stand here, the more I feel the empty space beside me. Whatever smile I just had turned quickly into a frown as I realize what this setting is really missing.


The sound of as the world caves in by Matt Maltese playing in the ballroom fills my ears as the tears that I have tried so hard to hold in begin to fall.

"My feet are aching

and your back is pretty tired

and we've drunk a couple of bottles babe

and set our grief aside."

My vision goes blurry as I put my face in my hands. I should not have come here. Inside I am relieved no one has come out the door in the past few minutes. I'm not in the mood to try to explain what I'm feeling to anyone. Sadly, the only person who I would explain it to is the very reason why I can't walk in there.

the paper says its doomsday

the button has been pressed


She's just as perfect as the first day I saw her. Her sense of another presence must have gotten worst, or maybe it's because the face that has been preventing me from sleeping is being held in her hands. A small cry escapes her and it causes my chest to tighten. I promised her I would be there to catch any tear that may fall from her, but now I'm standing behind a wall hiding, scared to reach out towards the love of my life, who a couple of months ago I thought I would never see again. I knew about this ball weeks before, and it immediately was a hard no, but what was a no turned into a yes when I found out that old employees were invited. I still remember the cowardly feelings I felt when returning to my room after confirming with staff that I was going to be there. Instead of reaching out and finding her myself, how wrong I was. I look at her to see her face no longer cast down but now looking up at a dark sky, the moon now showing as its light cascades over her.

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