Blinded by Anger: America x reader (Small fluff)

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the room was silent. All there was to stop the silence was the sound of papers colliding from each other and scribbling. The blonde, American fiddled with a pen in hand, scribbling on the paper which is laid in front of him on the desk for him, surrounded him was stacks of paper waiting for the American to sign them. Across, was a red couch with a figure laying upside down, their flowy h/c drooping as they just hang upside down, resting their legs on the back cushion, their face filled with nothing but boredom. They held their phone up close to their face, making sure that they had a good grip to ensure that it would not drop on the floor. Y/n tapped her fingers on her phone, her face lighting up from the phone's brightness. Her e/c orbs gazed over to the quiet, busy American before turning her gaze back to her phone, sighing seeing if the other would respond. 


The girl sighed once more, but louder.


This time, the girl sighed but even louder, sounding like she was groaning. This seems to catch the American's attention. 

America sighed, annoyed as he pulled his shades off before pinching the bridge of his nose. "What is it?" The American asked in an annoyed tone. The response made the girl smile, turning off her phone before pulling herself on the couch and laying on her stomach. Raising her arms up, she rested her elbow on the cushion, intertwining her fingers together before resting her chin on top of them, keeping her gaze on the annoyed man. "I require your attention sir" Said the girl with a cheeky grin, making the American sigh in annoyance. Rolling his eyes, his gaze turned back to the papers before he continued to sign the papers one by one. "Well, now you have my attention. What do you want?" The American asked rudely, wanting to just get over with whatever the girl wanted from him. 
Y/n smiled, humming a soft tune before she pulled herself off of the couch she was on before she slowly made her way towards the American with her hands behind her back. The American didn't seem to care but waited as he continued to sign his papers. Without warning, Y/n flopped into the American's lap causing the American to pull his arms back in shock. His blue orbs pierced into her e/c ones in anger, while y/n stared back with bravery and confidence. 

Y/n crossed her legs before wrapping her arms around America's neck. This made the American sigh once more before he continued on with his work. "Is that all?" The American questioned in annoyance. The girl didn't seem to answer, but instead of answering, she stared at the tower or papers. Smirking, the American eyed the girl as a warning. Ignoring the signs, she unwrapped her arms before pushing the tower of papers off of the desk aggressively, causing them to fly and litter the floor. This made the American even angrier. 

The American pushed the girl against the desk, pinning the girl's wrist down above with such power, with him being on top. ".. You really want my attention THAT fucking badly? fine. However, I am not responsible for whatever happens next. This is your punishment." The American looked awfully angry, and whatever is about to happen next.. She was excited, yet afraid of what was about to come soon.

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