When you are having a panic attack 😧

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- "Oh no.... d'Amour...! I forgot about my birthday gift for you...!

- "ah, d'Amour it's okay, you can get it next time. In fact you don't have to get me anything-"

-" France, no...! you gave me something and I will make sure I give you something as we-"

- he cupped both of you're cheeks with his hands

- "listen d'Amour, I gave you that gift to you because I wanted to thank you for being there for me and being the best girl/boyfriend I had in my life. Just because I had given you a gift, it does not mean that you must give me something back in return."

- you just nod, tears where forming in the corner of you're eyes as you where pulled into an embraced and gentle hug to calm you down from you're panic attack which surprisingly worked, but you also fell asleep into his arms as well.


- "gah.... I have English essays that are due tomorrow... what am I gonna do?! I can't finish this in a day!" you start to panic, and looked over that it had just turned 10 at night.

-your boyfriend, aka America looked over to you before rushing over to you.

- "hey, hey, hey. what's wrong babe?"

- "my English essays.... they're due tomorrow..." you started to tear up, tears forming at the corner of you're eyes and started rolling down to you're cheek, cheek bone, then down to your chin before dripping into either to you're clothes, or into the floor.

- he wiped your tears away before kissing you're forehead

- "it's alright babe, I'm sure we can ask your teacher if they could extend the time for you to work on it. Besides, you have went into an important meeting with you're family after all"

- he smiled, which lightened you up. 

- you where then picked up by America before twirling you around "alright, enough crying. I'll help you work onto your essays, as long as you don't cry princess"

- you laughed as he had twirled you around before blushing a deep shade of red just by the nickname that he had called you 'princess'


- you where crying in the corner of you're room, next to your boyfriends room. 

- why you're crying? you where fired, because your boss where being a huge DICK so you talked back to them which resulted of you getting fired.

- now you no longer have a job to help Germany pay both of you're water bills and others that you may need.

- your crying then started to become a little louder which you had noticed, you quickly heard the door at the entrance of you and you're boyfriends house.

- " [insert your name], I'm home"

- he then recognised that you weren't anywhere but of course in you're room. 

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