❤ When someone flirts with you ❤

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- would see you with another guy

- reader - chan looked uncomfortable with the male figure

- Oh boi. 

- would give a face of 'back off bro, she's mine' kind of like face-

- would interrupt you when you're laughing with another guy

- "he what? omg!-"

- "Hey Babe, I heard that the [Insert you're favourite theme park] is open right now, wanna go there now?" 

- "Really?! yes yes yes!"

- evil smirk and maybe a middle finger involved in the process-


- would let you hang out with a few male friends of yours

- would actually strangle any guy who hit on reader chan-

- Jealous bean uwu

- would always stare at you and your male friend and observe carefully

- he lets you hang out with a few male friends cause he be a good boyfriend, he doesn't want reader chan to be friends with just girls- but with guys such as himself as well owo

- would bake some pastries whenever you and your friends come over

- the best pastries ever

- sometimes clingy

- "uhm- d'Amour? are you oka-"

-"Yes I'm okay d'Amour >:<"

-could be an angry bean sometimes

-adorable when jealous uwu


- can't focus when working


- only seemed to attempt to hang out with you when you are done hanging out with a male friend

-you would always say yes, because this is the only opportunity that both of you would hang before Germany had went back to work.

-would always stares at you when he went out of his room for a bit to go grab something

-he see's your male friend holding your ha-

-"alright enough hang out you two, im sure [insert you're name] have more things to do"

-is actually mad, but attempts to hide it which is always successful

-You walked your friend out until to the entrance of you and Germany's house, you and your male friend waved goodbye before he left

-".... do you... want to watch a movie together...?"

- flustered boi

- you giggled


Third Reich

- keeps a weapon or anything sharp around the house

-"hey  Naz, I have a friend coming over for a project if you don't mind"

-"sure, I don't mind Liebe as long as it's not a b-"

- door rang

- "that must be him!"


-Nazi looked upset but kept his face blank, watching a tall male figure and you walk in the living room.

-Nazi would check up on you and your friend

-would stare the both of you while you and your male friend worked onto your project

- jealous bean uwu

- already have a knife on hand-

-one time, Nazi had walked in with your friend on top of yo-

-"Nazi no!"

-"Nazi yes!"

- you would always attempt on keeping the weapons away from him but always failed seemed he had a dozen of weapons around the weapons... better watch out!

-would get in to an argument between him and reader chan

-would apologise after a few minutes later

-you accepted their apology

-happy bean uwu


- would always call you in his office during or not at work

-clingy sometimes

-would give you kisses and cuddles 

-"scream my name  if your friend is harassing you" (ey- I see you sinners-)

- lets you hang out with your male friends and eventually make some

-as long as reader chan is happy, then he is as well

-would always ask how you are doing

- you eventually introduced some of your male friends to him

-they seemed to be good comrades now

- checks up on you, he may trust some of reader chan's friends, but not completely

- he doesn't get jealous that easily but oh boy.... you don't want that to happen because.... you know, USSR might do...... IT with reader chan? 

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