Chapter One

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A/n: I may be slow with updates so bear with me. Also if you have not watched the movie yet DO NOT READ UNTIL YOU HAVE. Please I don't want to spoil anything for you guys. This will also be the first story that is actually gonna be good. Enjoy my lovelies!!

I slid onto a barstool, sneaking a glance at my father in the corner. I sighed before turning to our target, a young man named Nathan Drake. He was around 5' 7" and had short brown hair. His eyes were also a deep brown and they sneakily eyed my diamond bracelet. I quickly put on a bright smile as he made his way over to me.

       " Hi, what can I get you to drink?" He asked, flinging a towel over his shoulder. I placed a hand on my chin in mock thought. " I think I'll have a commonwealth please." He grinned. " Of course. I knew you were a commonwealth person." I inwardly gagged at his lame attempt at flirting. If girls were flattered by that they must be dim.

       I stole another glance at my father who was sipping a small glass of bourbon. I turned my gaze back to Nathan who was spouting random facts about commonwealths. I tried to keep my expression neutral, but I couldn't help it. I smiled brightly and said, " You certainly know your history." He nodded. " My brother taught me everything I know."

       I felt a small pang of sadness in my chest as I looked at Nathan. " I'm a bit of a history person myself." I quipped. He raised his eyebrows in disbelief. " No you are definitely not." He replied. " Ask me anything. I know the answer." He seemed skeptical, but began to list historic events.  " Pearl Harbor,"
       " December 7,  1941," I replied quickly. " The fall of the Berlin Wall," He shot back. " 1989, I'm good with dates." His eyes narrowed.  " Civil rights act?"
" 1964,"

" John F. Kennedy assassination?"

" 1963,"

" Martin Luther King."

" '68,"

" Lincoln?"

" 1865."

" Roe vs. Wade."

" 1973,"

" Brown vs. Board."

" 1954,"

" The Battle of Gettysburg?"

" 1863."

" Korean War?"

" 1950-1953."

" Nope! It ended in '52." He argued. " Uh, actually, it was '53." He glared at me. " Look it up on your phone." He demanded. " It was... '53." I replied. He laughed in disbelief. " You're pretty good at that stuff. Where did you learn that?" He asked. " My dad taught me everything I know."

       He slid my drink across the bar, throwing in a straw before placing a napkin underneath. I thanked him as I picked up my drink, sitting at one of the decorative tables outside. I speedily finished my drink and pulled out a fake cigarette that was part of my ruse. I watched Nathan make his way over to me, a subtle grin appearing on my features.

       I pretended to search for a lighter in the pockets of my jacket, forcing a look of frustration onto my features. " Here, I have a lighter." He said, attempting to get it to light. " Ah, it's fine. I've been trying to quit anyways." I replied. He began to walk away. " It's a sign!" He shouted back and I tried to hold back a gag.

       I glanced down at my wrist, noticing that my bracelet was gone. I smiled to myself and walked towards my car. A few minutes later my dad came walking out, head hung low. I groaned loudly, laying my head on the steering wheel. My dad slammed the passenger side door and quickly buckled himself up.

       He handed me my bracelet and said, " Step on it. We have to get there before him." I didn't question it as I pulled out of the parking spot and sped home.


I stared at Nathan from the shadows as he examined our old map. My dad stepped out into the room. " Why the map?" He asked. "What do you mean?" Nathan questioned. " There are a lot more valuable things in this room, yet you chose the map. Why?"

       " Because it looks like it might be authentic."He defended. " Oh no, not might be," I replied. " It is." He tried, and failed, to hide the shocked expression that flitted across his face. " Holy shit." He breathed and I grinned at his amazement. I tuned them out for a moment, staring out the large window. " How'd you know I was gonna come?" He asked, turning to my father.

       " I have my ways." He replied. " I knew you weren't just going to come back for the bracelet." Nathan's expression quickly changed. " Nah, I just came for the bracelet." My dad sighed. "It's in the drawer." I shook my head. " Actually," I cut in. " it's on my wrist, where it belongs."

       I unclipped it and chucked it at him. He caught it and stuffed it in his backpack. " You done?" My dad asked. " Hmm, this looks valuable. Now I'm done." He said, shoving one of the jade statues in his bag. My dad smiled slightly. I watched as my dad explained everything to him and saw Nathan expression change from curious to defensive. " Look, I've been dreaming about this since I was a kid, but somehow you already knew that."

       " When Sam said he had a little brother that was just as into this Magellan stuff , I thought, no way." My dad replied. " Wait, you know my brother Sam?" Nathan asked. " We were practically friends." Nathan turned to me. " Did you know him too?" He questioned.

       " We were best friends." I replied with a small smile. My dad pulled out his phone, showing Nathan a picture of the three of us. " Look at him, he's got a beard." He breathed with a small chuckle. " Where is he? When was this taken?" He asked. " Two years ago, Saint Sebastian, Spain. We were getting close to Captain Elcano's tomb. Sam was sure we'd find his journal and the location of that gold. Then he disappeared."

       I sighed and cut in. " Doesn't call, doesn't answer our texts. Nothing. He ghosted us." I stood across the room, my arms folded over my chest. " Sounds like my brother." He said. " He seriously hasn't been in touch?" My dad queried. " Sam? No." My mouth opened in shock. " Not even a postcard?" I asked. Nathan's face turned solemn.

       "Nope, not a postcard, text message, phone call, email, nothing." He replied. " Look, I don't know what happened between you two, but there's a pretty good chance that if we find the gold, we find your brother too.What do you say?" I asked. " Sam left when I was ten. He would call every once in a while and tell me he was coming back. He never did. The Sam that I knew disappeared a long time ago. So no, you'll have to find somebody else." He replied turning towards the door. " All right." My dad said in a defeated voice. I stared at Nathan's retreating figure as he opened the door.

       I heard the click of the lock as the door shut and turned to my dad. " Your plan worked beautifully, dad." I quipped sarcastically. My dad smiled knowingly. " Don't worry, he'll come around." I raised my eyebrows questioningly, but sure enough, a few minutes later, my dad got a call from Nathan.

       " Hey kid, what took you so long." He asked. " So when do we start?"

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