Chapter 4

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Nathan was struggling with his tie, trying and failing, to tie it correctly. " You still working on that tie?" My dad asked. " I just can't figure out the length. I just keep making it all fat." I giggled. " Come here," I said, making him step towards me. I untied the mess he had made and began to tie it the way my dad had always taught me. " You know how to do this?"He asked. I nodded. " My dad was in the military, I could do this with one hand behind my back." I replied. " Yeah, dishonorable discharge right?" He asked.

Once I was done it straightened out his tie, folding the top of his shirt over it. We exchanged a small smile and I turned toward my dad. " Hey, you did some homework, huh?"My dad asked, staring at Nathan. " Of course I did. I flew helicopters." He added, answering Nathan's question." I was preserving some artifacts from a museum in Baghdad. I was over the max load weight and crashed pretty hard. They got all upset and kicked me out. Bit of an overreaction but what are you gonna do?"

" You say preserving, but you mean looting, right?" Nathan questioned. "Well if I didn't take 'em, someone else would've." My dad defended. " You asked for that." My dad said, holding the sheet metal cutters towards Nathan. " Thank you." He replied, stashing them inside his suit jacket. " And what's with the cat?" I asked. " Oh the cat? It's for your dad." I snorted at my dad's look of disbelief.

" What?" My dad replied, still in shock. " Yeah, your life seemed super sad." Nathan quipped humorously. " No, no, no, I'm not gonna keep this thing. They're gonna shit all over my floor." He argued. I laughed following Nathan out the door.


" Hey, these people can tell a fake when they see one, all right?" Nathan looked towards my dad. " You have to believe the lie you're selling. You belong here. You're one of them." He finished. Nathan proceeded to pop a piece of gum in his mouth. " Or you can just go with the bubblicious. Jesus." I said with a scoff. " No this is Bubble Yum." Nathan replied. " Same thing. Here, put this in your ear." My dad interrupted, handing him an earpiece.

" No way." Nathan said in amazement. " Hello? Hello?" I mentally facepalmed myself, looking at my dad with a where'd you find this kid? expression. " We can hear you." I interrupted. "We're sitting right next to you." He continued to loudly chew his gum, tapping the earpiece. " Oh shit, I think I pushed it in to far." He exclaimed. My dad gave him and exasperated look. " Is it okay?" Nathan asked. My dad ignored him, sliding out of the car. I quickly followed him. " Let's go bubble yum." I said with a smirk.

" Oof," Nate remarked. " Look at that car. Bet that ain't cheap." My dad groaned quietly. " Shit. Santiago Moncada." I looked towards the man getting out of the car. " That means Liam is going to be here." I said with a sigh. " Like the House of Moncada?" Nathan asked. " Yeah." I answered. " He thinks the cross is his by birthright. If he buys it before we can grab it, you kiss that gold goodbye." I replied shortly. I walked through the doors, finding the entrances and exits I knew from the blueprints.

We walked over to the bar, my dad and I still scanning the crowd. I heard Nathan say, " You know what, I'll have a martini." My dad scoffed. " A martini?" He questioned. " Yeah why not?" Nathan defended. " That'll go great with the bubble gum." He teased. " You should actually put the gum in the martini. You'd have a bubblegum martini." I rolled my eyes. " That's actually not a bad idea." Nathan remarked. " My god, this girl is totally flirting with me." He said. " Where?" My dad and I asked in unison. " There," Nathan replied, pointing at Braddock.

" The woman with Moncada. Look she's flirting with me. Hi." He continued, waving at her. She blew a kiss in his direction. " It's not flirting, all right. Not with you." My dad said sternly. " That is Jo Braddock. You ever see her coming, you need to run the other way. I'm serious." I glared at Braddock before accidentally locking eyes with Liam. " She's coming this way now. Look." He quipped. "Shit!" I exclaimed. " Liam's coming with her."

Nathan looked at me confused. " Who's Liam?" He asked. I sighed. " You're about to find out Nate." I walked down to the other end of the bar, away from my dad and Braddock. Nate turned and followed me. " Can I get you something ma'am?" The bartender asked. " She'll have an amaretto sour, please." Nathan replied. I sent a small smile in his direction before picking up my drink and taking a sip. As I turned around I came face to face with none other than Liam Moncada. " Is this your new boyfriend, Sullivan?" I silently cursed myself for the light blush that spread across my cheeks. " We aren't dating, Moncada." I shot back. " What do you want anyways?" Liam scoffed. " Chill out, I just came to talk." He said defensively. " You have a minute." I said with a glare.

He rolled his eyes. " You two," My dad said through the earpiece. " You're up, the auction is starting soon." I looked at Nathan's watch. " One minute's up. Bye." I interrupted, grabbing Nathan's hand and pulling him towards the display of artifacts. Nathan bent down, studying the cross intently. " Incréible." Moncada breathed from behind him, startling both of us. " Woah, Jesus." Nathan exclaimed. " Oh, sorry." Moncada apologized. " It's pretty cool, huh?" Nathan asked. I mentally facepalmed myself, staring at Nathan with an exasperated expression.

" Well, it's a one-of-a-kind solid gold altar crucifix. Handcrafted in Barcelona in the early 16th century so it's... yes, yeah, it's pretty cool, yeah." Moncada replied. " Wow. You know your crosses." Nathan remarked. " My family has been looking for this one for a very long time." Moncada replied. " No way. So have I." Nathan breathed. " Y-You are a collector?" He asked. " I dabble." Nathan answered with a shrug. " I don't dabble. This cross has a very tragic history. 18 men died trying to hold on to it. So much blood so needlessly spilled."

We were interrupted by the sound of the gavel pounding on the stand. I grabbed Nathan's hand again pulling him towards the electrical room. We watched a worker walk in and Nathan stuck his gum in the lock. " Gross," I said, grimacing. He looked around to make sure no one was watching us and quickly opened the door. We silently slipped inside and headed towards the circuit box. He took out the sheet metal cutters, flipping the switches off and attempting to cut the wires. The breaker box suddenly closed, revealing one of Braddock's thugs.

" Ya shouldnae come out to play with the big boys, wee'un, cause you're about to get a proper Scottish welcome." The guy threatened. Nathan looked at him confused. " I'm sorry?" He questioned as the guy lunged at him. Nathan was thrown into the wall and I punched the guy in the face. He stumbled backwards as I helped Nathan to his feet. " I said ya shouldnae come out to play with the big boys wee'un, cause you're about to get a proper Scottish welcome!" The guy shouted angrily. " Woah, woah, woah, woah, woah, woah. I literally have no idea what you're saying." Nathan exclaimed walking backwards.

" You little-" The man was interrupted by Nathan slamming a table into his stomach. He attempted to grab Nathan as he hopped over the table towards me. " Stupid door," Nathan groaned before finally getting the door open. We ran towards one door, but one of Braddock's men walked out. We turned the other way as another one of her thugs walked out the opposite door. " Sully, I think you're just gonna have to buy that cross." Nathan breathed.

The guy swung at Nathan and he dodged it, kicking the guy in the chest and falling into his back. I duck under the one guy's arm and ran down the stairs. I made it to the ground floor, seeing my dad take the briefcase with the cross inside. I heard a crash, causing me to look up. Nathan hung suspended in the air, swinging back and forth on a light. I sighed, watching as the wire that suspended it broke, sending Nathan to the floor. " Sully, where are you going, you can't just leave me here." Nathan pleaded. " Number one rule of the game kid, don't get caught." My dad replied. Security guards rushed towards him.

" Excuse me sir, we need to ask you some questions." One of them said. " You need to ask me questions?" Nathan questioned, feigning disbelief. " I should be the one asking you questions. Actually, I'll get my lawyer to ask questions. Like first of all, who installed that safety railing, it clearly isn't safe." He said, distracting the guards. They looked towards the railing as Nathan grabbed my hand running out of the auction house. We made it to the car, sliding inside before the driver pulled up to the back entrance. My dad slid in, out of breath, clearly shocked that Nathan and I were in the car. " All right, let's get out of here, Tony." He demanded. " Hey," Nathan and I said in unison. " you surprised to see us?" He asked.

" Well you proved yourself again, kid." My dad responded, trying to play it off. " That was some swan dive you took." Nathan shook his head " You were just gonna leave us back there." He stated. " Well, it wouldn't do us any good having us all locked up." My dad defended. " Somebody had to get the cross." I rolled my eyes. " Holy shit, you got it." Nate breathed. " Hey, maybe I should hold on to that for..." He said. " What you don't trust me?" My dad asked. " To be fair dad, I wouldn't trust you either." I cut in. " Oh is that supposed to be funny?" Nathan asked. "Here." My dad said, begrudgingly handing Nate the cross.

" Tony, take us to Teterboro." My dad demanded. " Unless you want to get dropped off somewhere else." He added, looking at Nathan. " Oh, yeah, you'd like that, wouldn't you?" He replied. " Sorry, Sully, but I'm all in. Hey, Tony, Teterboro." He finished.

A/n: OMG guys I'm sooooo do so soooooo sorry that I haven't posted in a while I have been suuuuuuper busy lately. ENJOY my lovelies!!!

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