Chapter 11

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With confused looks on their faces, Nathan and my father opened the trap door as quietly as the could and peeked their heads out slightly. " All right, come on." My dad said quietly, crawling out of the hole. Nate moved to follow him, clearing his throat. I realized that I was still sitting on top of him and quickly moved out of the way, my cheeks red with embarrassment. " Sorry." I mumbled as I followed him out. I stopped next to Nathan and my father in the middle of the ship. " Oh, Jesus. She's flying the ships out? And us with them. " My dad stated incredulously. " What do you mean, she's flying us out?" Nate asked as the ship continued to rock back and forth.

My dad began to shove multiple pieces of gold into his backpack hurriedly. " Geez, Sully, come on. The boat's full of that stuff." Nathan complained. " Just in case." My dad replied. Nate then proceeded to pull different swords off the wall. " No," He said before grabbing a different one. " Hey. You want to go show 'em what's what?" Nathan asked us, swinging the sword around the enclosed space. " That's nice. Let me see it for a second?" I asked, holding out my hand. " Yeah, nice, huh?" Nate queried. " Yeah, real nice." I agreed, taking the sword with me. " Hey!" Nathan exclaimed as I looked back at him with a smirk.

My dad grabbed the smaller sword as Nathan begrudgingly picked up the minuscule dagger that was left. We cautiously climbed onto the deck of the ship, looking around at our surroundings. We quietly shut the hatch and hide by the steering wheel. " Holding steady." One of the thugs stated from in front of us. " You ready for a mutiny?" Nathan questioned. " Why not?" My dad and I replied simultaneously. He placed the backpack of gold on the ground before nodding at the two of us. Grabbing a rope, my dad swung around the ship, kicking a guy as he let go. I grinned at Nathan before taking a running leap into the small circle of Braddock's men. I swung at one if them with my sword, using it to knock his gun out of his hand and off the boat.

Gunshots sounded from behind me and I instinctively ducked, looking around for the cause of my panic. I sighed in relief when I saw my father direct the gunman's shot into the air before throwing him off the side of the ship. I heard some of the boards creak behind me and I dodged a sloppy punch from one of the thugs. Sliding under his arm, I kicked his knees out from underneath him and grabbed his gun, pointing it at him. He lunged at me and I shot him in the leg, making him fall over in pain. I grabbed my sword as multiple guys rushed towards me, sinister looks on their faces.

Two of them stepped forward, trying to catch me off guard as they sped up. I ducked, using their momentum to smash their heads together, knocking them out. I slid smoothly underneath the third one, jumping up and using his back to propel me at the other guy. I wrapped my legs around his neck, swinging myself around, before using my body weight to slam him into the ground. I noticed Nate staring at me in awe, his cheeks dusted red.

       I noticed one of the thugs sneaking up behind Nathan. " Nate look out!" I yelled, pushing him out of the way before quickly disarming the thug. Nate kicked him over the side of the ship and turned towards the other men. I watched as a thug kicked him in the chest, slamming him into one of the railings. Nate flailed for a bit, before looking over at me. My cheeks flamed as I looked away, roundhouse kicking a guy over the edge.

I looked around, seeing that the ship was empty. I felt the ship change direction and knew my dad was in the pilot seat. Stumbling a bit, I grabbed Nate's arm to help steady myself. He wrapped an arm around my waist to keep me from falling over. We slowly walked over to the steering wheel as Nate started shouting orders and an imaginary crew. " Hey! All hands on deck! Raise the anchor! Hoist the mainsail!" He exclaimed, making me giggle. " Aye aye, captain." I replied with a snort.

" Hey, Jack Sparrow! Stay sharp." My dad yelled down to us. " Come one man. I've been waiting to do this my entire life." Nathan complained. I laughed, burying my head in his shoulder. " We did it Nate." I said softly as I hugged him. " Yeah. We did." He replied, giving the top of my head a kiss. The peace didn't last long, though. Six of Braddock's men swung over to our ship, landing in fighting positions. Nate smacked one of them off of the ship with a large post.

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