Chapter 3

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       " Come on Cherry, I found someone who's gonna help us find Magellan's lost gold." I groaned. " Really dad? This again?" I scoffed loudly as I rolled my eyes." This one is promising though." My dad pleaded. " Whatever." I snapped. " Just hurry up." Just as I finished talking, a knock sounded at the door. " Come in!" My dad called.

       The door opened to reveal a handsome blonde kid with a map in his hand. " Where'd you find this kid? He's what? 17?" I asked snarkily. " Um, I'm 22, thank you very much." The blonde replied. " Does it look like I care fresh face?" He rolled his eyes. " Is she always like this?" He asked, staring at my dad. " She's just not used to new people." He joked.
       I scoffed. " Real funny dad." I quipped sarcastically. The blonde stuck his hand out towards me. " Hi, I'm Sam Drake." I hesitantly shook his hand, pulling away to stand by my father. " Cherry Sullivan." I replied. " So Sam, what do you know about Magellans lost gold?"

Time skip brought to you by Rudy Pankow 😊

       "Come on Dad, I'm fine." I argued grimacing as I tried to stand up. " No. You're injured Cherry." Sam argued back. I rolled my eyes. " I'll be fine you two. Quit frowning like that dad, you're gonna get wrinkles. You too Sam." I slowly hobbled over to the door. " Are you guys coming or not?" Sam walked up behind me, scooping his arms under my legs and shoulders. I watched in annoyance as he picked me up bridal style and placed me back on the couch.
       " We are ready to go. Without you." He said firmly, his hands resting on my shoulders. I groaned. " Whyyyyyyyy." I whined protestingly. " You are hurt and can barely walk. That's why." Sam shot back in frustration. " We don't need you to get injured even more." I sighed. " Fine. I'll stay here." I saw both of them breathe a sigh of relief. " I'll meet you outside Mr. Sullivan." My dad nodded. " I'll be in the car." He replied.
       We both watched to door shut and I listened as his footsteps walked away. " Please be careful Sam." I pleaded taking his hands in mine. " I will, I promise." He replied sincerely, taking my face in his hands. He pressed a long, passion-filled kiss to my lips. " I love you." He breathed. " I love you too."

       I woke up with a gasp, sweat and tears rolling down my face. I tried to calm my breathing as I pulled out my phone, scrolling towards the end of my camera roll. Staring at the old photos of Sam and I, a few more tears fell down my face. I let out a sob as I turned off my phone, sliding out of bed. I silently walked to the kitchen where I was met with my father and Nathan conversing about the gold.

       I frantically tried to wipe the tears off my face before either of them could see. Unfortunately one of our old floorboards decided to creak underneath my foot. I winced as the loud noise echoed through the house. Both of their heads turned in my direction. I smiled sheepishly before turning around and erratically wiping the leftover tears off of my face. " I was just getting a glass of water." I said. That is the dumbest excuse ever. I thought. " With tear stains on your face? I don't think so." My dad replied. " More flashbacks?"

       I nodded. " They are getting worse." I said with a sigh. " Okay, get your glass of water and I'll see you in the morning." He demanded, pulling me into a hug. " Okay dad." I walked towards the cabinet, pulling out a glass and filling it up with water. " Good night." I replied before turning the corner. I stopped as I heard my dad begin to talk.

       " She hasn't been the same since he left. They were in love." He stated sympathetically. A few stray tears fell down my face as I turned around. I slid into bed, my thoughts racing through my head. Why did you have to leave me Sam? Come back to me please.

A/n: whooo that got slightly emotional there. I'm sorry this is a short chapter. I am having a terrible writers block and decided to add this little filler chapter. Hopefully I will be able to post more soon.

With love,

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