Chapter 10

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I woke up and Chloe was already gone. I sat up and opened the bottle we hid the real coordinates in. I quickly entered the coordinates into my phone and turned it off, pacing the paper back into the bottle. I noticed Chloe had left Nathan a note. I quickly grabbed my own piece of paper and began to write.

Dear Nate,

First off I want to say I'm sorry. For what? You might ask. I'm sorry for doing this to you. But somewhere along the way, I don't know when, I realized something. I realized that no matter what happens, no matter what she does, no matter how many times she leaves you or betrays you, you'll always go back to her. I guess I should've known in the beginning, but I didn't necessarily feel this way in the beginning. We'll get to that later though. I also want to say that I have had so much fun on this adventure with you. Although, there were some ups and downs, but we got past those. So I want to say thank you for giving me the best time I've ever had in my entire life. But that's not important. What is important is that I love you Nathan Drake and I always will.
~ Love
Cherry Sullivan

I placed it next to Chloe's note, turning to look at Nathan one last time before I walked out the door.

Ummmm suspense hehe


Nathan's POV

       I woke up, surprised when the room was unusually quiet. " Chloe? Cherry?" I asked. I picked up a bit off the table. It was from Chloe.

       I'm sorry Nate. I like you. I really do. But I learned the hard way the minute you start to trust someone, you lose.

       I sighed, grabbing the real coordinates out of the bottle. I noticed that there was another letter, much longer than the first. It was from Cherry, I could tell by the handwriting. My heart immediately dropped as I began to read. As I finished I ran a hand down my face and let out a sigh. I stalked out of my room and hopped in one the of boats, driving off towards what I hoped was the location of Magellan's ships.


       I drove my boat towards the opening in the rocks, stopping it as I came to a wall of rock. I saw light comping from underneath it, a look of realization crossed my face. I placed my phone in a waterproof pouch and strapped it to my waist. Taking a deep breath, I jumped off the boat and into the water, swimming underneath the rock. I popped back up inside a cavern where two ships sat side by side as light filtered in through the opening at the top that was covered by trees. I swam over to the sand, standing in between the two ships with a smile.
       I carefully grabbed onto the ladder of the ship closest to me, pulling myself up onto the deck. I stared in awe at the ships that were somehow still intact. I headed below deck and stopped short at the sight of tons of barrels filled with spices. I placed my hand inside, smiling when my fingers hit wood. I removed to false top, revealing an array of treasure. " We did it, Sam. We did it." I heard Nathan say quietly. Wait. Nathan?!?! I thought. " Shit." I whispered, looking no around for some place I could hide. I heard him climb onto the deck and start down the ladder. I quickly put the false top back on the gold and looked for an escape.
       " I thought you might be here." Nathan stated from behind me. I slowly turned around. " Where's your girlfriend?" I asked snarkily. He pretended to think. " Well, if I'm correct she should be somewhere in the middle of the Philippines right now." He answered with his arms crossed. " I'm surprised. I didn't think you actually had the guts to do it, Nate." I remarked. " Thank you, so much, for that vote of confidence." He replied sarcastically. He grabbed a handful of spices from the barrel next to me.  " Cloves." He said confused. I nodded. " You know, back then, spices were worth nearly as much as gold." My dad chimed, startling us both.
       " Why am I not surprised?" Nathan asked angrily. " I keep too many apps open, remember?" My dad responded. " I knew you'd figure it out." He finished. " Figure what out?" Nathan questioned. " The puzzle in Sam's postcards." My dad answered as if it was obvious. " So what is it?" My dad asked. " Does it matter? I already found the gold." Nathan countered. " I don't see any gold." My dad pointed out. " Oh it's here." Nate replied. " Its a fake top. Old pirate trick." I cut in as Nathan lifted it out. " Here's your gold you've been looking for. You happy now?" Nate questioned.
       My dad smiled like a kid in a candy store. Nate kicked the barrel over and the gold spilled out onto the floor. " Holy shit. You got to be kidding me." My dad exclaimed. He took the top off of another barrel. " Well, look at that, huh?" My dad remarked as he pushed the other barrel over. " It's almost more than we thought. Plus the other ship. Plus the value of the ships themselves, which you can't even put a price on. We did it! We actually did it!" My dad quipped, ecstatically, hugging Nathan tightly.

       " Sully, we didn't do anything. Okay? There is no 'we'. There's only you. Because there's not a person in your life that you wouldn't betray for a piece of this. You made that real clear." Nate snapped. " I thought that's what we wanted?" My dad questioned. " No, I wanted to do this with my brother Sam, not with you." Nathan corrected.

       " I know. I'm sorry." My dad said solemnly. " But look around, kid. You did this. Cherry did, too. He'd be proud of you. Both of you." My dad finished. There was a ghost of a smile on Nathan's face as he thought about my dad's words. Loud booms ricocheted around the cavern. My dad stuck his head out through the cannon hole. " It's Braddock." He explains. " Shit." Nathan and I exclaimed in unison.

       " We better get small, or in your case, smaller." My dad quipped. " Hey." Nate exclaimed, catching my dad's attention. " You're only like one inch taller than me, max." He defended as I tried to stifle a giggle. " I think it's a little more than that, kid." My dad argued.

       " Come with me, I know where to go." Nathan said, heading towards the back of the ship. Nate kicked at a piece of wood, the knocks sounding hollow. " It's hollow." I said as Nathan nodded. He opened up the trap door and looked inside. " Oh, I'm not going in there." My dad stated. " Hey, look. You could stay up here and get shot in the head or come down here for a quick cuddle... up to you. I'm going down." Nathan shot back.

       I followed Nate into the cubbyhole as my dad sighed. Realizing there was not enough room for three people, Nate positioned me on his lap as my dad shut the trap door. We sat silently as footsteps sounded all around us. " You see anything?" One of the thugs asked. " All clear, sir." The other one responded. I faintly heard Braddock ordering her crew around and what sounded like helicopters sounded overhead.

       " What is it with you and small spaces?" My dad asked, as Nathan shifted around uncomfortably. Nate grunted as he replied, " Got this thing jamming up my ass." I shifted my weight so that he could adjust his position. I watched as he pulled a bottle of liquid out from underneath him.

       " Wow." Nate remarked. " Don't even think about it." My dad warned. " Oh, I'm thinking about it." Nate replied, popping the bottle open. " Oh, my god." My dad sighed as Nathan took a swig of the alcohol. Soon after, he gagged and attempted not to cough. All around us, the ship rumbled loudly as it was lifted off the ground.

A/N: im sooooo so so sooooo sorry that I haven't posted for a few weeks. Softball started and so did tennis. I'm sad that the book is almost over. 😭😭😭😱😱😱

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