Chapter 9

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I sat on the bed, silently staring out the window. Nathan was grabbing all of our stuff and putting it into suitcases. A few minutes later, I felt the bed dip next to me as a pair of strong arms scooped me into a hug. I turned and buried my face in Nate's chest as more sobs racked my body. I felt Nate's own teardrops stain my shirt as I hugged him tighter.

       We stayed like that for a while until my father walked through the door. " I know where she took the map. Moncada. " He said softly. " Right? I mean, think about it." He finished as Nathan pulled me to my feet, grabbed our bags, and walked to the next room, his fingers intertwined with mine.

       " Who else is gonna have the resources she's gonna need? And Braddock and her goon squad just so happened to find us at the church? He had to have somebody on the inside. You hate me. All right, I get it. Look, I'd hate me, too. But Braddock, after what she did to your brother? She shot him in cold blood. All right? We can't let her win. She..."
       Nathan angrily turned around. " Oh, Sully, will you please just stop trying to play us for like five minutes? For years, I told myself that Sam would come back. That he wasn't gone, that he was just lost. But instead, I'm stuck here with you, so this is how this is gonna go. I'm gonna finish what my brother started, and then else go out separate ways." Nathan bargained. I shook my head in agreement. " All right. It's a deal, kid." My dad agreed.


" When you're right, you're right, huh? You don't have to apologize to me now." My dad said smugly. " She only cut us out because we knew you were gonna cut her out." Nate said. " You're still harboring feelings for that girl who knocked you on your ass, huh? Wow." My dad remarked. I don't know why, but a small pang of sadness came from my chest at my father's words. " All right, come on. They're getting ready to go." My dad said.


Approaching drop zone. Lowering cargo door. The speakers announced. We heard Braddock and her men walk past us. We slid out of the trunk of Moncada's car and hit behind one of the many boxes of cargo. " That was literally the worst 10 hours of my life." Nate complained. " You want to get caught, just keep talking." My dad whispered.

       We slipped inside the main room, finding Moncada dead on the floor. " Oh, good job, Jo." My dad said. Nate silently closed the door behind us. " Oh, shit." He said, startled by Moncada's body. " It's hard to find a good partner in this game, huh?" Nathan asked as my dad rolled up the map and put it back in the container.

       " Well, maybe you'll learn to appreciate me a little bit more." My dad replied. " All right, let's find some parachutes." He finished. " Parachutes? What?" Nathan queried. " Unless you know a better way to jump out of a plane." My dad quipped. I heard Nathan sigh as my dad walked out the door. " It looks like the lassie's boosted." I heard one of the thugs shout. We snuck towards the open cargo door as the thugs walked back up to the front of the plane. Nate was staring intently at Braddock. " Hey. Don't even think about it." My dad whispered.

       " I can't just let her get away with it." Nathan argued. " This is not the place to pick a fight, okay? I'm trying to protect you. Put one of these on. Let's go now." Sully continued. We slid to the last cargo box and Nathan stepped out. " Hey! Did you kill my brother?" He confronted. I sighed and shook my head.

       " I said, did you kill my brother, Sam Drake?" He questioned as Braddock held her men back. " Nate! Come on!" My dad shouted, opening his parachute. Braddock urged her men forward and Nathan pulled the parachute for the cargo, jumping out of the way as it went out the back. He evaded the thugs, but his foot got caught on the cargo. " Oh, God!" He exclaimed as he flew backwards. " Nate!" I yelled, turning their attention towards me. I slid behind a box, coincidentally landing next to Chloe.

       She shot the window of Moncada's car and jumped through. I dove in after her as she started the car. We drove towards the end of the ramp as Braddock shot at us from behind. Nathan jumped into the plane just as we drove towards him. " Nate?" I asked. " Oh, come on." He complained right before the car hit him. We began to free fall and Nathan grabbed the front of the car, trying to hold on.

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