Chapter 2

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       " There's an auction coming up," My dad stated. " Biggest collection of Spanish renaissance art and artifacts anywhere in this century." I stared at the large buildings all around us as I quipped. " One of those items is La Cruz de la Hermandad. Only it's not a cross, it's a key. A key that unlocks the chamber where the infamous 18 hid their gold."

       " Very cool, but the legend says there are two keys. One for the captain and one for the crew, so, no one man could steal the gold by himself. One key doesn't do us any good." Nathan replied. " Did you ever get outside when you were a kid? How do remember all this shit? Only one thing, I already have the captain's key." My dad remarked taking the picture of the cross out of Nathan's hands.

       " Second one's in there. The Augustine, it's an auction house. It's very exclusive but I got us on the list. All we need you to do is kill the power during the auction." I stated. " That'll trigger the main alarm and then we can do our thing." My dad cut in. " Okay," Nathan started. " and how am I supposed to kill the power?" He asked. " Well shit. That's up to you. You gotta bring something to the equation. I'm not cuttin' you on for fun." My dad replied.

       " Actually that's a good point. We haven't spoken about my cut yet." Nathan quipped. " I assume we're fifty-fifty right?" My dad scoffed. " Fifty-fifty? On what? The gold?" Nathan nodded. " Yeah." My dad stopped walking. " Are you high?" I laughed, covering it up with a cough when Nathan turned to glare at me. " This has been years of my life," My dad continued.

       " You get %10 and that's me being generous." My dad replied seriously. " Wow. Thats awfully generous." Nathan shot back sarcastically. " What are you gonna do with that kind of money?" My dad asked.


       I knocked on Nathan's door, sighing in frustration when it didn't open. I pulled out my set of lock picks and quickly unlocked the small door. I silently closed the door and walked towards the living room. Loud music was blaring throughout the small apartment and papers were strewn everywhere.
       I momentarily glimpsed at the map of the Augustine he had taped to his window and proceeded through the apartment. I spotted Nathan with his back turned to me, doing push-ups on the ground. His back muscles flexed with each push-up until he eventually stood up and made his way towards a rack bolted to the wall.
       He started doing pull-ups and muscle-ups, before collapsing wearily on top of the shelves. I blinked rapidly before clearing my throat. Nathan shot up, hitting his head on the ceiling before tumbling off the shelves. He groaned loudly as he attempted to stand up. I stifled a giggle as I stepped farther into the room. " How's it going?" I asked, attempting to pull him to his feet. "Good. I just need to text your dad the list of stuff I need." He replied. " I have the blueprints and everything mapped out." I nodded. " I saw them."
       Nathan's phoned pinged and he grabbed it off of the table. Figure it out? I read the text from my dad, rolling my eyes. I watched as Nathan sent back an ok emoji and peered over his shoulder at the list he was making. I'll need a nice suit, handheld sheet metal cutters, and a cat. I laughed. " What's the cat for?" I asked in between laughs. " You'll see." Nathan replied with a wink and a mischievous grin. " I don't like that look Nate." I stated playfully.
       He smiled before turning to look at the clock on the wall. I followed his gaze before standing up and pulling on my boots. " I better go," I said, messing up his hair. " See ya tomorrow Nate." As the door clicked into place I heard the lock snap into place and Nathan sigh as I turned and trudged down the hallway.
       Tomorrow is certainly going to be interesting. I thought as I slid into my car. I drove slowly back to my apartment and pulled into my parking space. I gently shut my car door and started towards my front door. I snuck inside quietly and slipped my shoes off. Sliding on my pajamas, I brushed my teeth and climbed into bed, before slipping into a deep, peaceful sleep.

Or so I thought.

I am so so sooooo sorry that I haven't posted in a while. I have been trying to balance school, track, and piano, so I haven't had much time to write. But I will try to write more if I can. I promise. Love you,

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