Chapter 7

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" This is amazing." Nate remarked. " I mean, we're the first ones down here in 500 years." My dad stayed silent. " Hey, I got an arrow pointing this way." Nathan quipped. " The Eye of Providence." Chloe interrupted, pointing at the symbol. " I say we go with God." I finished. " But there's literally an arrow that points this way." Nathan argued, pointing in the direction of the arrow. " Suit yourself." Chloe and I replied with a shrug. " But the arrow." Nathan whispered. " I'm gonna go this way." He decided. He stepped forward and I heard a booby trap click in to place.

       " Yeah, we should go your way. We should go your way." He agreed, jogging to catch up with us. We walked for a little bit before coming to a locked gate. " Um..." Chloe sighed. " Ah, great. Here we go again." She huffed. " Do you want to work your magic?" Nate asked. Chloe immediately bent down, shoving the tip of her knife into the lock, attempting to pick it.

       " So, uh, when did you decide to become Indiana Jones?" He queried. " When I was a kid, I liked to go exploring." She sighed. " One day, I found a bronze statue covered in gems buried under a bridge. I'll never forget the feeling, you know?" Nathan nodded. " I ran and showed it to my father. I thought he'd put it in a museum. But instead, he sold it. He kept all the money. We never saw him again." She finished. " Wow, that sucks. I'm sorry." Nate said. " Why? I'm better for it." She remarked.

       Nathan stood there awkwardly. " Here. I got just the tool." He said, breaking the silence. He backed up slightly before walking forward and forcefully kicking the gate open. " You see that?" He asked smugly. " Sure, when the big bad nun's not around." I teased, walking past him. We kept walking, the walls around us turning from jagged stone to metal pipes. " Does this look right to you?" Chloe questioned. " Well, I don't really know what the path to ancient treasure's supposed to look like." He replied. " More ancient?" I asked. " I guess." He responded. " Hey, Sully, do you see anything weird up there?" Nate asked.

       " You're gonna have to be more specific." My dad replied through the earpiece. I heard the faint sound of music as we continued through the tunnel. " Do you hear that?" Chloe questioned. " I certainly do." I answered. " What the hell?" Nate asked as we turned the corner. We stood in front of a gate that was flashing with different lights behind it. Nate kicked the grate out and we slipped inside.

       " Hey, what's going on down there?" My dad asked. In front of us was a large crowd dancing and swaying against each other. " Hey this can't be right, can it?" Nate queried, looking at Chloe. " I can't hear one word you're saying." My dad chimed from the earpiece. " Come on, let's go." Nathan and I said in unison. " Yeah this definitely doesn't look right." Nate remarked. " Look. Above the bar." Chloe interrupted. " Infernum. Isn't that Latin for hell?" She asked. " Yeah, It is. Come on." Nate replied, walking towards the bar.

       " Woah, woah, woah, woah, woah, woah." Nathan exclaimed. " It's Braddock's backup." I said. " What?" Chloe asked. " We better keep moving." Nate instructed. Chloe took off her jacket. " What are you doing?" He asked. " Blending in." She replied, taking her ponytail out and messing with her hair. " Yeah, it's not a bad idea." He said slipping off his backpack. " Hey, listen, I'm not really much of a dancer." He warned.

       " Let's go." She said quickly. " Okay." He agreed. I sighed, grabbing a random guy from the crowd. "Hey!" He exclaimed, but was quick to start dancing with me. I saw Nathan and Chloe dance their way to the bar, so I pulled my guy over. " Hey, two commonwealths!" I heard Nate shout over the music. I watched as he grabbed a bottle and started to empty it onto the counter.

       " What are you doing?" Chloe asked. " I'm causing a distraction." He replied simply. He pulled out a lighter and began to attempt to light the alcohol on fire. " Oh, for Gods sake." Chloe complained, grabbing a lit candle from the bar, lighting the alcohol on fire. People cheered at the fire as we all slid over the bar. " Do you think it's another puzzle?" She asked.

       " Well, whatever it is, you better figure it out fast." Nathan said as we both grabbed bottles of alcohol. " We're gonna try and buy us some time." I finished, grabbing an alcohol mixer. I quickly did some tricks as Nathan walked toward one of the dancers. " Hey, can we get you a drink?" He asked. " Gin and tonic, por favor." She replied, winking at him. " This definitely isn't a gin and tonic, but it is on the house." He remarked.

       " Gracias." She said, sending him another wink before being shoved out of the way by one of Braddock's thugs. " Hey, hey, whoa, whoa, whoa, let me guess." I said. " Piña colada?" He angrily tried to jump over the bar, but Nate smashed a bottle over his head. I have to admit, it was kinda hot. No! What are you thinking?! I though to myself. He grabbed another one as the other thug came from behind, smacking this one too.

       The first thug grabbed Nate, slamming him against the wall and sending a few punches to his stomach. " You think you're a comedian, do you, sunshine." The guy said angrily, grabbing Nathan by the throat. " Okay, I got it, I got it." I interrupted. " Sex on the beach."

       He lunged and me and I smirked, sliding underneath his arms and kicking his knees out from underneath him. The thug grabbed his gun, but Nathan was quicker, grabbing one of the shakers and smacking the gun out of his hand. I grabbed the metal trash can, swinging it at the guy's head, knocking him out cold. " Nate! Cherry!" Chloe exclaimed sliding through the small opening that was now above the bar.

       " Oh, shit." Nate said, spilling some of the alcohol. He quickly put some in his mouth and I knew what he was going to do. I quickly moved out of his line of fire as Chloe shouted. " Nate, this is not a time for shots. Let's go!" I dove through the opening as Nathan blew fire at the other thug, using the counter to propel himself through the opening before it closed.

       " God, those guys suck." Nate groaned, laying on his stomach. " Where the hell are we?" Chloe and I asked. We took out our flashlights, sweeping them around the enclosed space. " Well, well, well." Nathan joked. " Look for a way out." I said, looking around the small chamber. " I think I found one." Nate responded, pointing his flashlight at the ceiling, where a keyhole jutted out. " Uh, almost caught up." My dad chimed. " Hey, you got that key?" Nathan asked, looking at Chloe.

       " Yeah." She replied. She gently pushed it into the lock, turning it. I heard a click and the rush of water as the grate below is began to fill. " Water." She said, slightly panicked. " A lot of water." Nate confirmed. " Oh, my God. Um, this has to be a test. The 18 must have built an escape, right?" He said, freaking out. " What did the journal say again?" I asked frantically.

       " Uh, it said ' trust in your fellow man, for one shall go to heaven, the other to hell." Nathan recalled. " Trust in your fellow man for one..." A light bulb went off in my head. " Sully!" We exclaimed in unison. " Uh, Sully!" Nate screamed, pounding on the ceiling. " There has to be another keyhole up there somewhere that opens this door!" He shouted.

       " I'm, like, literally in a Papa Johns right now." He said. " Sully, we're running out of time!" Nathan shouted through the earpiece. " I found it." He replied. " I'm gonna need a minute." I groaned in frustration. " Dad, we do not have a minute!" I yelled. We all pounded on the door. " Sully! Hurry!" Nate yelled. " Shut up, I'm working on it." My dad replied frustratedly. " I'll shut up when you get us the hell out of here!" Nathan shouted back. " What's going on?" He asked. " Sully if you don't turn that damn key, we're gonna drown."

       I pound in the door some more, hoping it would move. " It's gonna take a little longer than I thought, kid." My dad strained. " You got to help me. Gonna try and get this grate up, okay." Nathan breathed frantically. We all took deep breath before diving down and trying to lift the grate. We pulled as hard as we could but the grate didn't budge. I emerged, coughing from the lack of air. " Sully! It's now or never buddy!" Nate exclaimed, trying to take deep breaths. " We're running out of options down here!" Nate erupted into a fit of coughs.

       " Nate, look at me." I said. We made eye contact. " We can do this." I continued. " Okay. We can do this. " He replied. " Deep breaths." I said before I inhaled and the water went over our heads. We all went separate ways, attempting to escape somehow. I heard Nathan faintly shout as a mechanism clicked into place. My chest felt like it was on fire as my eyes closed and water invaded my lungs.

A/n: DUN DUN DUNNNNNNN. Don't hate me pls. It's a bit long due to the length of the scene, but it's all good. Heh. Thank you guys for waiting for my updates. I know that I take a really long time, but I have lots more of it now that school is over for the year. I would like to thank @singleasapringl for being so supportive and voting for all my updates. LOVE YOU GUYS!!!

~ Love author

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