Chapter 9

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A week later, the tour day

•Cameron's POV•

Today's the day of our tour. Me, the guys and Maggie are all gonna be on the tour. We're planning on going to Oregon, Washington, Montana, North Dakota and South Dakota. We weren't going far but we still consider it a tour. I invited Maggie because she's a really talented singer and also I want my girlfriend to be there with me. I woke up at 6:30 and packed my bags. We'll be on tour for a week so I've gotta pack for a weeks worth of clothes. After I got done packing I grabbed my phone and texted Maggie
Me: Hey Maggie ready for this tour?
Maggie: duh, where do I meet you and the guys?
Me: I can pick you up, just be ready by 8
Maggie: I can do that, see you then babe 😘
I went downstairs to eat some breakfast and watch tv before I had to go pick up Maggie. After I finished my breakfast I realized it was already 7:30 so I went up to my parents room and woke them up to tell them I was leaving. "Oh bye honey we'll miss you." My mom said with a scraggly voice. "I'll miss you too, bye dad." "bye son." Then I walked to my bedroom and grabbed my suitcases and backpack. On my way out I grabbed my phone on the bar.
I went to Maggie's house a little early to help her load her bags. I knocked on her door and her mom answered. "Hi mrs. Sanchez, thanks so much for letting Maggie go on this tour with us." "Oh no problem I want Maggie to have the best summer, and I trust you. Now there will be an adult around you guys all the time right?" "Of course, Nash's dad is our manager and he is with us 24/7 and his mom helps us too, so she is in good hands." "Okay sounds good." Maggie came to the door with 2 suitcases and a backpack. "Uh babe you do know we're just going for a week, right?" "You do know I'm not a boy right, I need a lot of stuff." She said with a cute grin on her face. "Okay, well let's go." "Bye mom, love you." Maggie said to her mom. "Bye mrs. Sanchez." Then she waved to us.
I put Maggie's suitcases in my trunk and we drove to Nash's house. Mr. Grier drives a 12 passenger van for us to ride in so we don't have to fly and since it's just a couple hours to every state. All the guys were standing outside the van talking. Nash, Shawn, Matt, Taylor,Jack Johnson and Jack Gilinksy, Aaron, and Kate, Taylor's girlfriend. Me and Maggie jumped out of the car and I grabbed our suitcases. Maggie walked up to the guys and they all hugged her. She was smiling. I walked up to them. "Hey get your paws off my girlfriend she's mine." They all laughed. I put mine and Maggie's luggage in the back of the van where everybody else's was and we all loaded into the van. Me, Maggie and Shawn all sat in the back seat. Then Aaron, Nash, and Jack and Jack sat in the seats in front of us, they had to cram. Then Taylor, Kate, and Matt sat in the next row. And then Nash's parents sat in the front. Maggie leaned up to Nash and asked him "did you not invite Loren?" Then Nash said "she said she was busy with something, I don't know?" As he shrugged his shoulders. Maggie had a confused look on her face, but she just sat back.
She put in her headphones and laid her head on my shoulder. After a little bit she dozed off. And then eventually I did too.

•Maggie's POV•

After a couple of hours of sleeping I woke up. I felt a head on top of mine. It was Cameron's. I pulled my head from under his and sat up and just relaxed. I read a sign on the road that Oregon was just a couple miles away. I woke up Cameron and told him that we were almost there. We got to our hotel and we checked in, Mr. Grier put me and that Kate girl which I found out was Taylor's girlfriend in a room. Then he let the boys split up into 4 rooms and then Mr. and Mrs. Grier got their own room of course. Me and Cameron got on the elevator with Kate, Taylor, and Jack and Jack. Cameron was leaning against the elevator walls. I leaned up against him. Then Taylor said " oh look at the two love birds over there." Then I turned my head to look at him. I gave him an evil eye. He laughed. We got to the second floor, where everybody's room were. Cameron walked me to my room. "Okay we're gonna go out to a early dinner in a little bit, you and Kate can come down to mine and Taylor's room until we go if you want?" "Okay, you coming Kate?" I asked her. "Uh yeah sure." We walked to Cameron's room. Kate walked into the room and jumped on Taylor's bed. Cameron picked me up and threw me on his bed. Cameron was laughing. I was not. We talked for a while then left to go eat. We ate at chick Fil A. After we finished there we went back to the hotel and everybody went to their rooms including me and Kate. By the time we got in our rooms it was almost 8 o'clock. So me and Kate got ready for bed. I took my shower first and then Kate took hers after. We both got into our beds and turned on the tv to watch. Kate went to sleep around 9 and I was getting tired to so I turned off the light and tv.

•Cameron's POV•
Me and the guys all met up in mine and Taylor's room to play truth or dare. I could tell that Maggie and Kate were getting tired so I told them to go to their room and get some sleep. Taylor started off the game. "Cameron, I dare you to go to Maggie's room and pour water on her face." "What I'm not gonna do that to my own girlfriend!" "Okay fine your already out of chickens." Then they started making chicken noises. I couldn't chicken out of this one. Then I said "fine but just a little water, and Taylor you have to do it to Kate too." "He said "fine." So we went to their room. Kate gave me and Taylor a key to their room in case of an emergency. So we got to their room and got water in our hands from the sink and went to their beds. Before I poured the water on Maggie I whispered to her I am so sorry Maggie, I love you." I turned around and saw the guys with their phones out watching me. I splashed a little bit of water on her. She just flipped over. I looked back again and they were waving their hand to tell me to splash more. I splashed more than I meant to. She woke up screaming. Maggie looked at me and almost started crying. "Hi." I said. "What the heck Cameron, your an idiot." "I'm sorry Maggie it was a dare." She yelled at me, "get out of my room." Kate also told us to get out. Maggie was walking behind me. I walked out of the door and turned around and said "goodnight kiss?" Then she slammed the door in my face. "Way to go Taylor." "Hey your girlfriends wasn't the only one to freak out. We got back to the room and I grabbed my phone. I went to Maggie's contact and texted her that I was really sorry and I can't believe I did that. She texted back goodnight Cameron. I made all the guys go to their rooms. I felt so bad about what I did to Maggie. All she does is treat me nice and I just threw water on her. I've got a plan for tomorrow, and maybe she'll forgive me, hopefully she'll forgive me.

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