Chapter Eight

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Courtney's POV

Something's up. I know it wasn't a wolf that bit me. And I NEED to know what ACTUALLY happened. If Cameron's not going to tell me the truth about what happened then I'm going to have to figure it out myself.

SO, that's why I'm sleeping in his room, on his bed, with him laying next to the bed,on the floor!

I KNOW he's not telling me something, he's just like this new school,dark and mysterious, yet happy go lucky,and nice. I was curious about this town when I first got here and now I'm curious of what this worlds deep dark secrets really are.

I know I might be jumping to conclusions and being dramatic, but if I stay at this 'house' (more like mansion) I might find some good dirt on this town, there house is big and kinda creepy, I have a feeling it holds a secret beyond the whole town, and I'm determined to know what that secret is.

I know,I know, what about Cameron? Well here's my answer to that question, I honestly don't know what to do, about him, I mean I like him a lot, a lot, BUT I can't let my feelings make me oblivious and not curious of him! There is something fishy about how I feel about him, and him in general!

And its my mission to understand what that 'fishy' thing is!

I can't handle the tingles I get around him or the way I could just melt at his feet, it makes me nervous and scared, and I don't like it!

Plus, I'm not the happiest person right now,my mom had to go on an immediate travel job for her work, so that means when I leave Cameron's house I'm stuck in a big house all alone, witch to me sounds horrible, I mean I love my house,but the idea of staying in an empty new house for two months does not sound appealing to me!

ANYWAYS, schools tommrow,so that means more drama and stupid stuff I don't really give two flying pancakes about! That also means I don't have any clothes to wear, just great,huh!

But guess what, even if I were to wear dirty clothes,it still wouldn't matter because school doesn't matter to me anymore, all we do is basically not learn, witch I'm not complaining about,well I kinda am, b-b- but whatever!

I think I'm done now, you know ranting about stupid stuff! Its nice to have all this dumb stuff lifted from my chest, it was getting ha-


I quickly shot up from the bed at the same time Cameron did, as he groggily said " Good morn'in how you doing"? I couldn't help but giggle at how adorable he looked, his hair was sticking up in random places, and his beautiful blue eyes were almost cross eyed, it was adorable and funny!

" Well, I'm doing just fine, its your appearence you should be worried about though! It looks like you rolled around like a dog on the ground,then attempted to go cross eyed for a moment, but the look stayed"!

I know what I said sounded stupid,but to be totally honest I don't give two rat tails about it!
Plus, he still laughed!

He looked at me for an abrupt second then looked away quickly, realizing I had caught him! But all I did was yawn and say " Um, hehehe, there's a tiny little problem, I'm having, you see I don't have any clothes to wear, I mean I could wear my di-".

" No, you don't have to wear dirty clothes, I got some clothes you can wear, and don't ask why I have girl clothes, please"!?! I nodded at him and responded " Thank you"!


"ARRG, school just what the doctor ordered"! I said sarcastically as I got out of Cameron's car. He chuckled, and said " yeah, really"! And then kept on walking, with me tagging along close behind. All of a sudden I bumped into something or should I say someone, and looked up to see that slutty b****
growling at me? I then responded trying not to strangle her " Look I don't like you, nor do you like me, so let's try not to make a habit of bumping into each other, it was bad enough the first time, also unlike everyone else here I don't admire you, because your a, how do I say this nicely, B-i-t-c-h, what does that spell, drum roll everyone, BITCH"!

She looked at me and said, her eyes growing dark " Who do you think you are? I'm the boss around here and am not about to be thrown around by some new girl, who doesn't know anything, so I'll say this slowly and calmly. I'm,hot.your.not.I''s. Drool. I''s.fart."!!

Did that just happen, I mean this girl is ridiculous, ' I'm ,hot your not. I'm cool,your someone's drool.I'm smart,your as smart as someone's fart'! WHAT!

I started giggling furiously, when I noticed everyone around me was growling at, crap I don't know her name, I'll just call her 'slutty with a chance of meatballs' see what I did there! ANYWAYS everyone around me was GROWLING at her!?! Like what the hell!

I then decided when I finialy caught my breath and wiped my tears from laughing so hard that I would respond, so I said,trying not to laugh " Are you joking right now ' I'm cool, your someones drool'! I, mean come on that's the most stupid thing I have ever heard, so I'm going to say I'm sorry for being just as bad as you and steeping to your level, and that I'm officially done fighting with you, because, I really,NEVER mark my words N-E-V-E-R,never wanna sound so stupid, and that's what's gonna happen to me if I keep on acting like you,SO,sorry"!!

All of a sudden I felt a sharp pain on my left cheek and realized 'slutty with a chance of meatballs' had slapped me,so I slowly looked up ready to defend myself when I felt two sets of arms wrap around me.

I quickly looked up to see Cameron and some super hot guy both looking at, I'm to lazy to say her 'name', so I'll just say, stupid bitch,eyes black, growling, ready to attack her, but also realized a lot, and when I say A LOT I mean A LOT of people were circuled around the girl growling and doing who knows what to her!

I then decided to pipe up ( that didn't sound right,whatever) and said " Look, all of you people, who need to get your throwt checked, ( I totally just buchered that word!) PLEASE stop surrounding the poor girl, I can fight my own fights, plus I don't even know ANY of you,also thank you! And as for you two, I said looking at Cameron and that super hot guy. PALEASE LET ME GO! I mean thanks but, no thanks, I don't like arms wrapped around my waist it some what annoys me! Also its class time, so let's get a goi'n"!?!

I quickly tugged out of super hot guy and Cameron's arms, and said " Cameron, and I don't know your name, nor who you are, please explain to me why I just heard A LOT of animalistic growls escape a lot of peoples mouths, also why that girl, I like to call ' Slutty with a chance of meatballs' eyes went completely black along with both of yours"!?!

They looked at each other for a brief moment before sighing and both looking at me with worried expressions and Super hot guy said " The names Finn and ' Slutty with a chance of meatballs' he chuckled than continued, is usually referred to by her name Ally"!

I smiled slightly and then said " The names Courtney, now you two EXPLAIN"!?! They both said very nervous, at the same time.

" We are ah, we-werewolfs".


So ah hiya, how did you like it, I tried, mark my words TRIED to make this chapter some what longer! Also sorry for any errors! And this chapter is dedicated, to once again, all you supporters! Ooo

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