Chapter Seven

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Cameron's POV


I hear a whimper and look down to see my beautiful mates chocolate brown eyes fluttering open...


As I look at my gorgeous mate, I can't help but wince at how scared and angry she seems, her face is calm and blank, but I can tell she is terrified right now. I also don't know what to do, I can't just tell her I'm a werewolf and your my mate after biting her, I have to wait.

But how will I explain to her why there is bite marks on her neck,and why she 'thinks' I bit her! Wait, I got it, I can tell her that we went outside for lunch and when she went to throw her food out, a wolf bit her,and I ran over after noticing how long she had been gone and when I saw her I panicked, and ran to the nurse,but all she said was to call her parents, but I didn't know her number so I said I would take her ''home'', and that the dumb-ass nurse believed me!

YEAH!!!, that's perfect, she won't be scared of me AND won't be furious at me, if she was mad at me that would totally su- "What, happened yo- GET AWAY FROM ME YOU FREAK, YOU, YOU, BIT ME, WHAT ARE YOU"!?! Courtney shreiks.

I scratched the back of my neck awkwardly and finally said " Courtney, I didn't bite you, that's just we-weird. What happened was yesterday, you and me decided we would sit together at lunch, when you arrived to the cafeteria I asked if you wanted to sit outside with my pa- buddies, and you said yes, so we went and ate lunch, but after about seven minutes you said you were going to throw away your food, so you left, and after approximately twenty minutes I decide I would go check near the trash cans to see if you were okay, but when I got there you were on the ground and there was a wolf standing next to you, but it ran away, so in panic mode I picked you up and took you to the nurse, she told me to call your parents, but I didn't know there number so I said I would take you home, and being the dumb-ass nurse she is she believed I knew where your house, was even though I didn't know your number"!!!

She looked at me dumbfounded for a moment then responded " Oh I'm so sorry, I-I accused you of something so,so weird, and your not so bad Miller, not so bad"!

I couldn't help but smile at what she said, it was probably the first nice thing she's ever said to me, besides all that sorry stuff!

All of a sudden she said " By the ways where am I"? I looked at her and responded,with the best lie I could possibly come up with at the moment, " My ho-house has a doctors office in it, so I took you to it"! She looked at me for a moment before saying " Oh cool"!


We were currently at the pack house playing video games, Courtneys mom called earlier saying she was going on a business trip for two months, and that it was an immediate offer. So I offered for her to stay at my 'house' for a while, and she reluctantly said yes!

So now were playing Minecraft, in the pack house game room!

I suddenly got the best idea ever, now that's she's warmed up to me, I could tell her I like her and that I want to go out on a date! I mean, the sooner we are together, I can tell her how she's my mate!

I looked up, my heart pounding, no matter how clique that may seem it was true and said " Courtney can I ask you something. She looked up startled and nodded, so I finished. " Courtney I really like you, and was wondering if you would go on a date with me"?

She looked up, noticeably shocked and murmured " what"? I then responded " Courtney will you go out on a da-". " Cameron I know what you said, I was just shocked, and yes I will go out on a date with you"!

I, forgetting she was there fist bumped and screamed "YES"!! at the top of my lungs. Then realizing she was there again I plopped down and laughed nervously, witch made her giggle and hug me, I then tugged on her making her fall of me, and after a few seconds we were playfully wretsleing, and that's how we spent the rest of the night!


Hi, sorry for any errors and how short this chapter is, as I said before I am on vacation and there's no internet, but at this moment I have some internet connection, so I would like to say sorry for this sucky, very short chapter, and before I forget this chapter is dedicated to everyone who's been supporting me, on this book!


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