Chapter Nine

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Courtney's POV


"We are ah, we-werewolfs".


I, of course am laughing my butt off! I mean seriously, werewolfs! That's probably the craziest joke that I've ever heard, and that's why I'm laughing! I know I said that those random people needed to get there throats checked,because they were growling, but seriously, werewolfs!

I slowly chocked out " yeah...and...I'm...Dracula". They seemed even more amused, witch only made me laugh harder,then I quickly added,starting to stop laughing," Okay,I'm gonna... go to class"!! They quickly said at the same time,still shocked at my outburst " Oh no you don't "!! And grabbed one hand each, dragging me to the back of the school, where there's a big forest, man there tacking this joke to a whole new level of crazy!

" Okay, the joke was funny before, but I need to get to class, so...let me go". But all they did was keep on dragging me, witch caused me to get more and more mad, to the point where I'm,right now attempting to, both punch and kick both of the a- holes!

Now that I think of it, all I need to do is act like they are hurting me, so they'll let me go, then I'll run to class and say I'm sorry for being late,probably make my teacher hate me and get detention, go deaf from my mom screaming at me through the phone, but, right now all that matters to me is getting away from these two morons, no matter the consequences.

I, started screaming in 'pain' and they both quickly dropped me, so quickly jumping up from the ground I said "So long suckers"!! And ran as far as could across the field that separated the school from the forest, like my life depended on it, but, when I got to the middle of the field, I saw the most fascinating , frietning, thing in the world!

There standing around, three feet away from me was a humungas wolf, with a brown coat and muddy, but still gorgeous , brown eyes. And next to the wolf was a even larger wolf with a white coat and the same piercing blue eyes that Cameron has.

And then it hit me like a brick, not only was Cameron and Finn not jokeing about being werewolfs, but this was the secret I had been trying so very hard to figure out since the first day I started this new school!

But that wasn't what got to me, what got to me was the fact that this world was not what I thought it to be, this world was filled with probably all sorts of mysterious, mythical creatures! And the worst thing of the whole situation was I had never noticed before!

It then hit me that two werewolfs were standing in front of me, and that's when I completely lost it, I started screaming, crying, and running, but not before sending a picture of the two wolfs to my mom and telling her what just happened to me through a text!

Have you ever felt like your whole world was crumbling down, for the most stupid reason ever, well that's what I feel like right now, here I am packing my bags to leave to my grandparents house, witch is somewhere in Michagan, when I could be, talking to Cameron and Finn about what happened earlier instead of flipping out like a pathetic,drama queen, but no I can't do that because I am a drama queen, and every little thing, makes me turn into a pathetic, human being!

Another thing that's up setting about this whole situation is the fact that I could be cracking a bunch of jokes about dogs and saying how I knew every human was an animal but not that much of an animal, or something else stupid like that.

But NO!

I'm instead really freaked out,and scared out of,my mind. But, in my defence I just found out a whole new species Rome's the earth every friggin day of my life! And that it was actually Cameron who bit me, but the thing that leaves me most curious is why,why did he bite me? Also how could I fall for such a stupid lie!

I, mean I'm usually pretty smart with these things, but no I couldn't be smart when it actually matt-

BBBRRRIIINNNGGG!!!! I slowly stepped out of my bedroom, and ran down the stairs to the door and inhaled a breath preparing myself for who is on the other side of the door.

I slowly opened the door and was NOT surprised to find both a worried looking Finn and Cameron, standing on the porch, I swiftly stepped outside, smiling lightly at them and said "Hey"! In a super tiny,shy voice. They both looked at me and then Finn said " We need to tell you, something "!!
I sighed and said " What now?, I need to pack, my stupid stuff to go to my grandparents house, plus theres not much more to say, your werewolfs, and I'm gonna stay as far away from both you and this town as I can, I'm not gonna speeck of all this ever again, I'm gonna forget every thing, and when my mom gets back from her trip she's gonna pick me up from my grandparents house and were gonna move back to California with her boyfriend in tail, no pun intended"!!

I KNOW that was a little bit rude! They both shook there heads and Finn said " Sorry,but your not going anywhere, you have two mates that are taking you to your new home"!

I responded slightly angry "What the heck is a mate, and who the hell are you to be telling me what to do". I heard a furious growl, and backed up two steps, for safety, regretting what I said before.

Finn sighed frustratedly and answered " A mate is the person each werewolf is destined to be with, there's this person, the moon goddess who sets us up with our mate, you usually get your mate when you first shift,witch is around 17 or 18 but for both me and Cameron that never happened, but, when you got here I discovered you were my mate and so did Cameron, and we being alpha and beta are VERY possessive, protective,and love you more than words can describe"!

I was completely and utterly terrified,nervous,and dumbfounded! Yeah, I felt an attraction to both Cameron and Finn, but no way in hell was I dating both of them nor one of them,also I'm not moving in with them!

I looked at them and said " Is there a way I c-c-can reject you two"? I stuttered out, terrified of what they might say next.

They both got two very sad expressions on there face, but finn answered my question,hiding his sadness well, " Yeah, there is, but even if you do reject us, we are strong enough to make you stay with us,and if we have to keep you from running, we will".

It's then that I realized I had to make a move, to hide from the two jerks, SO, I quickly grabbed the handle of the door, opened it, ran in, opened the little pad that's next to the door, typed in the pass word, to make the house go into a complete lock down. Damn rich people, know how to protect there houses!

I mean, the whole house had medal around it, the windows were unbreakable glass,(witch I already knew), the doors and windows were automatically locked, and, not to mention there was a big hole in the ground, that must go to a secret hide out, SO I jumped in, hoping deeply that this was safe...


Hey, it's me Victoria I just wanted to say sorry for any errors, and I hope you liked the chapter, also the house protection,thing, was all imaginary, so hope you enjoyed! Bye!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2015 ⏰

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