Chapter One: What Five Cupcakes and a Good Song Can Do

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{Chapter One POV- Lizzie Hearts}
(Video of the Fifth Harmony song used attached above)

"Lizzie Hearts, you need to find something better to do with your time than think about that no-good Daring Charming who broke your heart," my best friend Kitty Cheshire had said.

You should have seen her face when I told her I'd attempted songwriting to ease my pain.

I'd called her up that day and asked her to come over to my dorm immediately. I had written something that actually felt too good to toss in the recycling bin like everything else so far. She'd gotten there in a matter of seconds, due to being able to disappear and reappear wherever she wants.

"Sing me your song!" Kitty had shouted.

I read what I'd written over in my head. It just didn't seem quite right. It needed more than one voice to sing it. In fact, maybe it needed five.

I grabbed my mirror phone and called up four girls who go to my school, Ever After High- Apple White, with whom I'd rarely spoken to before then, Holly O'Hair, who also seemed to be quite interested in writing, Duchess Swan, my roommate, and Cerise Hood, a shy girl I'd recently befriended. It was an unlikely group, and Duchess almost refused to come. She actually almost hung up on me when I'd called. We hadn't spoken in months, despite being roommates... Not since Daring Charming cheated on us with each other.

Sure, I had my reasons for choosing them all. I knew they all had good voices, but it was more than that. Duchess and I had been cheated by Daring before, Holly had a desperate crush on him that she knew was going nowhere, I'd learned enough about Cerise to know she liked him and the feeling was mutual but she had her doubts because of my situation with him, and Apple just seemed like the right fifth person to call. We all knew Mr. Not So Charming- we learned from each other. That's what the song was about.

When they all arrived at my dorm about ten minutes later, miraculously all free at that exact moment, I shared the song with them. I only had one sloppy handwritten copy but I showed each girl which part to sing, and how to sing it, since only Apple knew how to read music at my level, and Holly and Duchess were learning but aren't quite there. Cerise on the other hand has not taken a music class since spellementary school.

Duchess started the song and was feeling quite apprehensive about it, and I told her to relax, and just feel the words. And that's what she did. Duchess thinks she has a bad voice because she's partly a bird- but this is untrue. Her voice is smooth and pure as her beautiful ballet dancing. "Same words, same thirst, just a different name... Same joke, same laugh, guess that's just your game... You got at her the same way you got at me... You showed me everything I need to see," Duchess sang. It was exactly how is pictured it.

Holly's voice was much different from Duchess's, but was still beautiful in a different way. "Even though you're so {filtered just in case for younger readers}fine, I know I'm better off without you. Even if you cross my mind, I would always have to doubt you," she sang confidently, the words ringing true and you can tell. She blushed at the end as if I'd read her mind. She laughed as if she'd just gotten off a roller coaster- the feeling of a rush of joy.

Cerise was next. "No, I can't do it. I'm sorry Lizzie. I just can't sing."

"Yes you can!" I'd protested.

"No, I can't. Only princesses can sing," she argued, gesturing to the rest of the group.

"That's not true... I'll bake you some cookies if you do it," I bribed, knowing how much Cerise loved her food.

She hesitated, then gave in. "Fine... But I'm doing it for the cookies. She stared at the lyrics for a few seconds before bursting into the song I'd written. Her face twisted as she read them off the page, understanding the concept of the song. "I won't believe a thing you say this time, all them other girls told me how you play your game, yeah we know all about you. I know it probably worked for you last time, but them other girls told me how you play your game, yeah we know all about you." She closed her eyes and flinched at the end, I guess bracing herself for harsh criticism. It never came.

I began the part I'd reserved for myself. "Ooh, we know, we know, we know. We know, we know, we know. Yeah, all about you. Ooh, we know, we know, we know. We know, we know, we know. Yeah, all about you." Apple led the others in a sudden applause, impressed by my surprisingly strong vocals for a unmistakably small girl.

"First off, you should really be ashamed. You won't entice me with that big old chain. Can't have my number, put that phone away. Maybe you should just stay in your lane," Apple laughed at the vengeful tone of the lyrics. They didn't reflect the Apple everyone saw on the outside, but it made me wonder if she was the type to sing them on the inside. Cerise, Duchess, Kitty, Holly, and I dropped our jaws at how Apple was able to go from her usual high-pitched Princess voice to something much stronger and lower-toned. Impressive.

Holly, Cerise and I repeated our parts in turn until the song was over, and it was over fast.

"Wow," Cerise gasped.

"I just..." Duchess started.

"We just..." Holly said.

"We sound amazing together!" Apple shouted.

"Lizzie, that is actually genius," Kitty clapped her hands.

"That should be a real song!" Holly yelled. "Better yet, WE SHOULD BE A REAL BAND!" She squealed.

"YEEEESSSS!" Apple shrieked.

"I'm in," Duchess agreed.

"Wait, really?" I piped, ecstatic. "Let's do it!"

"No, no, no no no. I can't be in a band. I'm horrible at just existing and you want me to sing?" Cerise shook her head. "I'm sorry Lizzie, I just can't."

"Please? You were so good! You really don't think we could go anywhere after hearing what we just did?" Apple reasoned. Her smile was warm and inviting but Cerise wasn't buying into it.

She started for the door, but Holly stopped her. "Please, Cerise. Please. Just for a little while. If it's not going anywhere... You can leave," Holly promised.

Cerise closed her eyes and took a deep breath, then turned around to face us all. "Fine.... But you all owe me a cupcake."

"Deal!" Holly again squealed, her long ponytail swinging and sweeping gently against the floor as she jumped up and down excitedly. That must be a lot of weight in hair, I wonder how she deals with it.

"Kitty should be our band manager," Duchess suggested. Kitty was awkwardly perched on top of my armoire- I was unsure of how she'd even gotten up there- but she almost tumbled off of it and onto the floor when Duchess said that.

Though we didn't have much now, what we didn't know is how quickly we'd blow up once Blondie got word of our band. We were known all over Ever After faster than you could say "Fifth Destiny"... which is what we came to be known shortly after.

"Kiss goodbye to your sweet and simple lives," Blondie had said with a big, almost threatening smile. We also didn't know how true this phrase would become.

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