Chapter Fifteen: Who Are You Today?

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{Chapter 15 POV: Holly O'Hair}

The day after I invited Austin to sing on stage with us, he and Fifth Destiny were both scheduled to perform at the Ever After Radio Station's Summer Bash Concert. The girls and I had just arrived and were set to go to wardrobe to get dressed in a half an hour.

So for now, we were allowed to meet the other performers.

"I'm dying to meet Shawn Mendestiny. Who wants to come with?" Ally asked, hopping out of the van.

"Ooh, I will!" Duchess exclaimed.

"I'll go. It's not like I have anything else to do," Lizzie said, following Duchess and Ally, already on their way to finding Shawn.

"Daring's meeting me here in a few minutes. I'm gonna go get a hot dog, you want one?" Cerise asked me.

"No thanks," I answered, seeing Austin's car pulling up in the corner of my eye.

"K, see you at wardrobe later," Cerise called, strolling away toward a hot dog stand.

Austin's car was black and fancy, and matched the baggy, shiny jacket he was wearing when he opened up the car door. "Oh, hey, Holly!"

"Hey!" I chirped, but then staggered backward when I saw the car door on the other side pop open. A figure with a familiar head of brown hair and a blue sweatshirt I'd recognize anywhere stepped out.

I glanced nervously at Austin, and he gave me an encouraging smile in return. "Um, Blake," I said, hoping to actually get to talk to him about the other day. This is the first time I'd seen him since then.

But Blake was already walking away. If I was Duchess, I probably would've yelled something nasty or sassy, and if I were Ally, I would have run after him begging him to forgive me for not believing him. I was Holly though, so I stood back and let him walk away, just unable to find the words to say to him right now.

When he was out of earshot, Austin patted my back. "Sorry about him. We talked about you on the entire way here. He's just being weird. He won't talk to you because he doesn't know what he's supposed to do." Austin waved his hands around dramatically when he was talking.

"Well... What do you think I should do?" I cried, shifting my weight. I was getting really sick of Blake avoiding me. He was even talking to Austin again, and Austin was in on what happened to him- us.

I didn't know what to try anymore. I'd called him a thousand times, hoping he'd just pick up once and we could work things out. At the concert yesterday, I called him during every break and quick change we got, even though I was limited on time. Even when Austin got a call from him yesterday and told him he was at our concert, he didn't want to talk to me. On top of that, Austin had said I was right there. He must've known it crushed me. Is that what he wanted?

I just couldn't help but think that maybe he was avoiding me because he liked kissing my twin sister. Poppy and I look so similar... Maybe Blake likes girls with short hair better and he just never said anything because he liked me. Then when he met my identical twin that six times less hair than I have, maybe he liked her better. Lizzie and Duchess told me this idea was stupid but I didn't know what to tell myself instead.

Even if Blake and I had made up right after the incident, Poppy knew how much it all effected me. She knows I've never had my first kiss before. She knows I thought it was going to be with Blake. She knows Blake's destiny means he's supposed to end up with Rapunzel- but if I'm not Rapunzel I don't get Blake at all.

"I think we should just keep your mind off of it so you stay on your A-game for the show later. Things will work themselves out, I'm sure. Come on, let's go see what performers are here already," Austin advised, hexpecting me to follow him towards the stage. On our way over, someone grabbed my arm and pulled me behind a merchandise stand.

"Hey, sis."

"You? What do you want? And don't touch me!" I shouted, shoving my sister away. What was she doing here anyway?

"Holly? Where did you go?" I heard Austin call.

"Wait Holly! Austin isn't telling you something. He likes someone else- and he's going to break up with Lizzie. You should ask him about it," Poppy said in a forceful, know-all attitude.

"Why should I believe anything you tell me?" I wailed, trying to get her hand, that was clamped down hard on my wrist, away.

"Because I'm telling you the truth, seriously. She's famous and she's here today!" Poppy yelled, letting go of my arm.

"Stay away from me," I roared, scampering away from her as if I was injured. I was, but only on the inside. It sucked to see her again, right in front of my face after what she did, with not even a shred of an apology apparent.

What she said stuck in my head though. Austin is going to break up with Lizzie? Why didn't he tell me that? Why hasn't he told her that? Who is he breaking up with her for? The fact that Poppy backed it up with information about who he did like is what made me believe it.

"Holly! Where did you go?" Austin asked when I reappeared from behind the stand.

"Oh, um, I thought I saw Poppy but... It wasn't her," I lied, feeling pressured. If I told him I knew about his crush, he'd feel awkward and stop talking to me too. If I told him Poppy had told me, he would tell me I'm crazy for trusting information she'd given me.

"Okay. Oh hey look, there's Becky G! Talking to.... Blake," Austin sighed. I could tell he wanted to go meet Becky, but was worried I wouldn't want to approach Blake.

"Why don't you go talk to her? I'll try to talk to Blake. If I don't go to him, I know he'll never come to me, and he can't avoid me forever," I said, swallowing my pride and walking right over to where Blake was talking to Becky.

Becky was wearing a cute outfit in my favorite hot pink color. I wanted to compliment it, but I didn't want to give Blake a chance to get away. Becky looked really familiar, and not just because she's famous. It was almost like we've already met, but I don't remember ever meeting Becky. We only became famous really recently.

"Hey," Austin greeted, strutting right up to Becky.

"Oh, hey, Austin right? I'm Becky," I heard her reply before I tapped Blake on the shoulder. My world went quiet after that.

"Hey...." I whispered, hoping he wouldn't run away this time.

"Oh, Holly, hi," he responded, looking down at the floor. I wished he would just look at me and make me feel all better again. If only he could just look me in the eye and make my remaining sadness and anger melt away... He wouldn't.

"I'm sorry I didn't believe you. Really sorry. I guess I just didn't want to believe it was my sister. I know that sounds like I don't trust you, but I do, I just thought I could trust my sister more than anyone in-"

"It's okay, I'm not mad at you," he admitted, confusing me more. "I was just avoiding you because I didn't know how to tell you this...." He trailed off, making me feel like my heart was going to explode. What? What is it?

His chin lifted until he looked me right in the eye. "I think we should just be friends."

"W-what?" I stuttered, tottering backwards.

"We're really close, and I don't want anything to jeopardize that. I think if we stay in a relationship and more things go wrong, I could lose you, and I really don't want that to happen. Don't tell Austin but... You're the best friend I've ever had," Blake explained.

I didn't know what to say. That was a lot to take in. I understood where he was coming from, but could this actually work? What if I still have feelings for him? I mean- definitely do- but what if I can't get over them?

"Okay... I understand," was all I could muster.

"Good! Now I gotta go, I told Austin I'd help him out today, and that kid is gonna be late if someone doesn't drag him to sound check right now." And then, Blake was gone again, and so was Austin.

I was alone again. Well, except for Becky. I glanced at her again when she was looking away. She still looked so familiar. I'd have to figure it out later, I have wardrobe to get to.

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