Chapter Nineteen: Blowing Up the Breakup, Part 1

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{Chapter 19 POV: Lizzie Hearts}

A late night text from Holly that I hadn't seen until this morning was stressing me out. We were meeting on the bus early to talk about it. I dressed for the day and stepped into my heels, then headed down to the bus first-thing.

Someone familiar was just getting to the door as I was.

"Austin? What are you doing here?"

"Oh, hey Lizzie, wasn't expecting to see you here..." Austin scratched the back of his neck nervously and avoided eye contact. Something was definitely up, and I had a feeling it had something to do with what Holly wanted to talk about.

I continued past him. "It's my tour bus..."

"A-are you going to t-talk to Holly?" He asked, watching something to my left so that he wouldn't have to look me in the eye.

"Yes. About you, actually. Do you want to tell me what you did before Holly gets the chance, or should I just wait a moment more and hear it from her?" I crossed my arms over my chest and turned around in front of the door to face him, planting my feet.

"No," he stated, lingering nerves replaced with curious anger.

"Okay," I raised my eyebrows at him, "but if I don't speak to you again after this you'll get the memo." With that, I left him standing there and entered the tour bus, slamming the door behind me.

Holly was hiding under the window. Her hair was in the messiest messy bun I've ever seen and this was the first time I'd seen her in a tee shirt and sweatpants since the Hex Factor.

"How long has he been out there?" I asked her.

Holly shot me frightened deer-in-headlights eyes and whispered "fifteen minutes".

"Why?" I came and sat near her.

"I'm not talking to him."

I repeated my question.

She unlocked and tossed her open phone to me, and the tab in use was her messages with Austin, dating back to late last night. After reading and taking it all in, I suppose I was on the verge of tears, but I opted to ask Holly if she was okay.

All I got in response was a doubtful squeak. I returned her phone to her, and we peaked back through the window to see if Austin was still around. Thankfully, he wasn't.

I stood, sighed and made myself a cup of the wackiest flavored Wonderlandian tea I could find in the small kitchenette in the bus. I had stocked the cabinet well, but they were going fast as my stress rate increased.

"Are you going to break up with him?" Holly asked, her voice not much more than a whisper.

I knitted my eyebrows. "Are porcupines better than people?"

Holly shrugged.

I stared out the window and sipped my tea as Austin's car approached once again. "The answer is of course." I stood and straightened my dress.

"Wait, right now?"

"Yes, right now. Why wait?"

Holly didn't have an answer to my question, so she sunk back into the chair she was seated in instead of pursuing any further protest.

I swung open the door and had just landed with both heels on the ground when I overheard Holly, almost silently, mumble "maybe I should've just stayed in the tower."

Maybe I should've just stayed in Wonderland.

Better yet, maybe Austin just should've stayed out of our lives.

His car, which had been circling the lot for a while until just about now, slowed to a stop next to me. I climbed into the passenger side without asking first.

"Austin," I started, not looking at him.

"Lizzie," he said next.

"You cheated on me," I said calmly, as calmly as the Princess of Hearts could.

His face shied away in shame, but I caught him steal a glance in the bus and Holly's direction.

"And you liked my bandmate while dating me." It felt like I was lecturing him, to be honest.

"I didn't mean to like your friend..."

"Oh, no, no, I don't care about that. I'm sure Holly and I won't be getting along for too much longer anyway."

It felt strange when he looked me in the eye since it was already over. "You won't be friends with Holly? Of course you will."

"I wouldn't be so sure..."

"Okay, then, why?"

"Listen, Mr. Treason, who I choose to consider my friend is not your concern, you've got bigger problems. Like the fact that you're single again, and it won't be long before the media knows all about it. My fans are bound to not like you very much after this, and they won't feel too great about... never mind, the point is, we're done." I let myself out without saying another word.

"What did Holly do to you?" Austin called as I walked away.

"It's not what Holly did, it's what she will do," I yelled, frustrated. Time to make a public scene.

I called up Kitty and told her what happened, and though she disapproved, she said if I really wanted to make a huge deal, indirectly post something about either Austin or generally being single on My Chapter.

I decided to knock out two flamingos with one hedgehog and keep things friendly with Holly, not that she knew what I knew was going to happen in the near future. I just wanted to feel at peace. I scrolled through my camera roll, found a photo of the two of us circa the Hex Factor, and posted it, captioning it "I pledge allegiance to my independent girls in here," also a secret promo for the first single of our upcoming album.

The fans will go absolutely mad over this.

***Remember to always check out the note that goes along with this in Fifth Destiny:The Note Collection! Love you all, thank you for reading.***

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