Chapter Seventeen: What Do You Mean?

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{Chapter 17 POV: Kitty Cheshire}

I walked into Fifth Destiny's dressing room to find them all huddled together on a couch either bawling like babies or with foul scowls on their faces.

"I leave you guys alone for fifteen minutes and this is what happens?" I complained, having assumed they were more mature than they proved to be. Do you know how many spellebrities they could have pranked if they had tried in those fifteen minutes?

First of all, the answer is seven. I tested it.

Second of all, how did they all manage to screw up their lives in fifteen minutes? It's just unfathomable how fast these girls' lives change.

"Kitty, Austin was talking to Becky G and he didn't even notice me near him. When I projected myself into the conversation like a good queen should, he didn't even introduce me as his girlfriend," Lizzie cried, directing her rage at my reflection in the mirror as she touched up her handmade heart "birthmark" around her eye. "As the future queen of Wonderland I will not accept this kind of mistreatment! Off with her head!"

Duchess slumped on a cushioned folding chair positioned near the makeup counter Lizzie was standing at. "I can't believe Poppy thought Sparrow was dumb enough to join her team and cheat on me!" Duchess honked, crossing her legs and her arms over her chest, and pointing her nose up in the air in disgust.

"To be fair he is-" Cerise started. Knowing this was not the time, she didn't say anything else except "never mind, sorry."

"Blake... Blake... Blakeblakeblake... Blake...." Holly sobbed, gasping for air loudly in between each outburst.

"Daring told me I was acting weird, and then accused me of not wanting to kiss him because I liked Austin, which is soooo not true," Cerise roared, digging her fingernails into the side of the worn brown couch she was seated on next to Holly and Ally.

I looked expectantly at Ally, waiting for her horror or sob story. She shrugged at me and shook her head, saying a chipper "I've got nothing."

"Okay, let's straighten everything out. You guys are going on in less than a half hour and you're all a mess. Except Ally. Holly, it's okay. You're going to live. He didn't say he didn't feel the same way about you, he just said he didn't want to ruin your friendship. There's hope there. Lizzie, I don't exactly understand the main problem there, but it's not something to worry about now. We'll take care of it after the show. Duchess, calm down. Sparrow is stronger than Poppy thinks he is. That's a good thing. Cerise... Yikes. Well, it's probably best you tell him the secret, but if you really don't want to, just kiss him and mean it and he'll shut up," I advised. I didn't know I was that good at giving advice before. Guess you learn something new every day.

"Ughhh. The problems never end for Cerise Hood," Cerise groaned, but then ascended from the couch and over to the rolling rack of outfits for today's performance. "This is really cute," she mumbled, after finding the outfit for her. "Okay I'm better now."

"Come on, Holly. Let's fix up this disaster." Ally helped Holly up and was already dabbing her face with a tissue to prevent her mascara tears from running off her face and staining her outfit.

Within a few moments all of Fifth Destiny was motivated to look and sound their best for the show today. As their manager, I considered this my job well done.

I decided to give them some space, which is when I stepped out of the dressing room. I was about to shut the door hard, but I heard whispering, and tuned my ears to listen, gently closing the door so I could hear.

"I just don't think we're right for each other," Austin's voice said. His bright, noticeably clean sneakers stuck out from under the curtain he was standing behind.

"So you're just going to dump her?" I'm pretty sure it was Blake's voice. His significantly less clean brown work boots stood across from Austin's sneakers behind the curtain. I took a few steps closer to the curtain, but stayed far enough back where they wouldn't notice.

"I guess. I mean I hate to make her upset after everything that just happened but I just don't think there's anything more than the King and Queen of Wonderland titles that we have in common. And I don't even want that," Austin responded.

I was pretty close now and the curtain shifted so I jumped back, trying my best to stay as quiet as possible. The boys didn't see or hear me.

"Okay then, Austin. Who is it that you like now?"

"What makes you think I already like someone else?"

Blake scoffed. "Come on, Austin. I know you well enough to know you already like someone else. I told you when you met me back here. You seemed dazed."

"It's not important right now," Austin paused, shifting his feet a little away from Blake. "So.... Things with Holly are...?" Austin asked. Oh, so he hadn't heard?

Blake sighed. "There aren't things with Holly. We broke up." He stated simply. He stepped toward the curtains and wrapped is hand on the edge, ready to pull them back and leave when Austin stopped him.

"Why the hex would you do that?" Austin's volume rose. "Holly is the best thing that ever happened to you!" He scolded.

This time, Blake actually pulled apart the curtains and I made myself disappear just in time. He walked right past me without knowing I was there, shouting back "yeah, you too."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Austin yelled at him. Austin wouldn't get an answer though. Blake had stormed off to somewhere, already nowhere to be seen backstage. Almost instantly, the backstage area became a lot more crowded. Managers, stylists, makeup artists, crew and dancers skittered around hurriedly. Opening the show was One Reflection, and the four of them emerged from their dressing room looking awesome. A whole cloud of people ran up to them and surrounded them for last minute things, then guided them toward the stage where the show all began. Within seconds the quickly-assembled crowd roared and their music started up. I wondered if anyone in that crowd had heard Austin and Blake screaming at each other. I can only imagine it now- 'Austin King's Plans to Dump Lizzie Hearts' and 'Holly O'Hair's Relationship Over Before We Even Knew It Began'.

In one way, what good press we'd get from that! In another way, that's so crushing to Lizzie and Holly's self esteems, which means more depressed princesses to motivate.

I skirted around the large numbers of hustling people and back to the girls' dressing room. They were now all dressed finishing up their makeup and hair styles. Cerise arranged her curled strands of hair so they'd conceal her ears. Lizzie placed her Wonderland crown in a small safe she brought with her to all of our events, and locked it shut. Holly affixed a silver necklace around her neck. Ally applied pink lipstick to her pursed lips. Duchess brushed her dark hair and tossed some of it over her shoulder.

I avoided saying anything about the fight I just heard between Austin and Blake. "You guys made yourselves presentable really quickly," I praised. The girls went on right after One Reflection. "Ready?"

"Ready," Cerise, Duchess and Ally said. Holly unenthusiastically nodded her head in agreement. Lizzie turned away from the makeup counter and stuck a confident fist in the air, ready to shout out her pre-show motivational cry. "Off with their heads!" She announced. It didn't work for everyone.

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