Chapter Eleven: Dear Wolfie...

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{Chapter 11 POV: Duchess Swan}

It was 2 AM and Lizzie, Holly, Apple, Kitty and I were finally allowed to go see Cerise in the hospital. When she'd just passed out during Leave My Heart Out of This at the concert last night (or, a few hours ago, seeing as it's 2 AM), we'd had to finish the concert as to not upset our fans. Though, after one of the five girls the fans had come to see sing at the concert was sent to the hospital, I'm pretty sure the fans attending last night's concert were already upset and very shaken up.

Though The Old Duchess would have been all "no way, I'm going to bed" when our concert ended at almost midnight, The New Duchess was trying her hardest to be selfless and put her friends before her own needs. So, I was going to the nearby hospital at 2 AM.

"How do we know she'll even be awake?" Lizzie asked.

"Why does it matter? Even if she's sleeping, at least they can tell us that she's okay," Apple replied. She was sipping an apple cinnamon hocus latte from her favorite coffee shop, which was nearby. She'd insisted on getting hocus lattes even though we'd just finished up some fast food from Old McDonald's. Lizzie complained the food there made her stomach hurt, but it was the only place open at 2 AM (except the coffee shop, that was closed but opened for Her Highness Apple White).

"And what if she's not?" Lizzie asked. She was hexting on her phone and hadn't really looked up from it much for the past two hours since the show ended.

"Why do you have to be so negative? What do you have better to be doing right now?" Apple snapped, getting annoyed.

Holly and I just sat quietly in our seats in the back row of the car and listened to Apple and Lizzie bicker back and forth until we got to the hospital.

The secretary at the desk in the lobby said Cerise was on the fourth floor. Holly, Lizzie, Kitty, Apple and I stepped into an elevator and pressed the buttons sending it up to the fourth floor. When the doors opened and we stepped out, Cerise's door was really close to the elevator. It wasn't visiting hours, but they'd made an exception for us (again, in Apple's town with Apple White herself, you get things) so we had to be very quiet in the halls, and I thanked the fairy godmothers that Cerise's door was close. The tension was building again between Ally and Lizzie, and I feared they'd burst into another fight at any moment. Lizzie had already shoved Ally, and Ally had tried to trip Lizzie back. This isn't how a close-knit band should act.

Holly put a hand on the doorknob and twisted it very carefully so it wouldn't make any noise, and pushed into the room.

Cerise was sitting up in bed, hexting.

"Oh, hey guys," she said, smiling widely. It faded after she saw one of us, but I couldn't tell who.

"Hey," Holly said, walking toward her and giving her a hug. "How are you feeling?"

"Better, and thanks, Holly," Cerise said, finishing her hext and putting her phone down.

"Who you hexting?" I asked, sitting in a plastic chair close to the hospital bed.

"Daring," she answered, not seeming upset.

"So... Is everything better from, you know, yesterday?" I continued.

"Yeah, and he said he's really sorry to do that to me. We talked about it, and he talked to his mom, and everything's okay now, but...There's something else we had to discuss too, and I really have to talk about it with you guys too," she explained, not looking nearly as excited at the end of the statement as she had when she'd been talking about things being better with her boyfriend.

She avoided looking at all of us, her eyes glued to her bare feet. "The reason I fainted on stage was stress, and not from what I was going through with Daring. Do you remember the first costume change, the only one I got to, when the three of you were changing on the other side of the stage and me and Holly were over on the other?"

"Yeah," Ally and Holly said in unison, and Lizzie, Kitty and I nodded.

"Well, I was done first I guess, and when I was waiting, someone.... Kissed me."

"Wait, what? Daring wasn't at this show," I said, feeling like I hadn't really talked in a while and wanting to show that I do care.

"It was..." Cerise paused, looking Lizzie directly in the eye suddenly, "Austin."

I know my jaw must have been on the floor, I wasn't hexpecting that in a billion years. Ally looked horrified. Holly's mouth was O-shaped and she covered it with her left hand. Kitty's eyes were wide and her smile was upside down.

That's when we all turned to look at Lizzie. She didn't even gasp... No jaw drop... No trace of shock or surprise whatsoever... Just uncomfortableness.

"Lizzie?" Cerise asked, seemingly looking for an explanation.

"I... I'm sorry I just... I don't believe you," Lizzie said, fixing her heart-covered crown on her head, rising from the plastic chair she sat in that was identical to mine, and shuffling away from our group.

"Where are you going?" Kitty called to her.

"I'm leaving."

"How? You can't take the van back without us," Kitty pressed, annoyed, since she'd been the one to freak out when Lizzie started dating Austin in the first place.

"I'm calling someone to pick me up," and that was the last we heard from Lizzie for a long time.

"I'm sure as hex that she's calling Austin right now and isn't going to criticize him at all," Kitty growled before Lizzie had even left the room.

"I wouldn't get in the car with that piece of garbage after what Cerise just told us," Holly complained, crossing her arms over her chest. Her fists were balled, though, and I could tell there was anger in her eyes. She'd been skeptical about Austin too ever since she first met him.

We all turned back to Cerise, who was in tears. "How could she not believe me?"

"Aw," I whispered, and the four of us still remaining wrapped Cerise up in a big group hug. "Want me to call Sparrow and have him bring you up a cheeseburger?"

Cerise wiped her eyes, mascara coming off on her fingers, and sniffed sadly. "Yes, please."

Cerise's phone barked, indicating she got a new hext. She didn't recognize the number.

She read it aloud: "So you're right, Mr. Wonderlandian Superstar saw- my, what big ears you have, wolfie. What stings more, that he knows, or his girlfriend doesn't believe you? Get better soon wolfie xoxo."

Cerise lifted her gaze from the phone with a terrified expression evident in her wide gray eyes.

Nobody else said a word.

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