Chapter Eight: King of Hearts

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{Chapter 8 POV: Lizzie Hearts}

(The video I found for the song isn't really the one I wanted. Attached is the normal live version, but the beginning is changed and is actually the background vocals from the song Reflection... Since, this is Fifth Destiny's first performance of the song live, they are using the original EP version of the song. Please look the song up on YouTube, Vevo being the best option, but of course, you can't use Vevo videos on wattpad. Thank you for reading!)

"Maidens and Gentlemen, performing their first ever single Miss Movin' On from their upcoming EP 'Better Together', this is Fifth Destiny!" Queen Charming introduced us.

The music began, and Holly started singing, "I'm breaking down, gonna start from scratch, shake it off like an etch-a-sketch. My lips are saying goodbye, my eyes are finally dry."

Then was Cerise's first solo part for the song. Cerise was given multiple solo parts in this song, since her contribution to writing it had been so significant. It meant a lot to her and in turn meant a lot to the rest of us.

Mother always told me that friends should be avoided, since friends are weakness. Well, except for pirates, but that's irrelevant at this time. This was the first rule of my mother's I didn't agree with. Friends aren't a weakness if you pick the right ones. They are strength.

Up here next to my friends, I felt stronger than I ever had. See, if you don't have friends, you stand alone. There is strength in numbers. You can be strong, but your strength plus those of your friends and the support you have for each other forms an unbreakable bond that only the tests of truth and time and maybe a little bit of magic can destroy.

The chorus was significant of so much. For Cerise, it was no longer hiding from the world behind her hood. Apple let go of her pressure to be perfect. Duchess realized that trying to drag others down won't make you feel any better. Holly's obliviousness was wearing away with every day that she had us on her side. For me, the song stood for the realization that being the perfect Queen for my people in Wonderland didn't mean following my mom's rite of rule to a perfect tee.

By the bridge, I heard myself singing "Everything is changing and I never wanna go back to the way it was; I'm finding who I am and who I am from here on out is gonna be enough, it's gonna be enough..." We'd practiced the song so many times, I didn't even have to think about it anymore. The closer we got to the end of the song, the more my proud smile grew.

"Yeah, I'm moving on," Cerise finished, putting the microphone down. We all took a proud step back to appreciate our accomplishment.

"Give it up for Fifth Destiny! How great is that song?" Queen Charming cheered, along with the rest of the audience. From where I was standing, I could see Duchess, Holly, and Cerise's boyfriends cheering proudly. I didn't have anyone in the audience who came personally for me except for Maddie. Kitty was backstage, and Alistair and Bunny hadn't made an effort to show up like they'd promised they would. Since the two of them started dating and I'd joined the band, it's been almost impossible to get all five of us in the same place at the same time, unfortunately.

"Thank you so much girls! One last round of applause for Lizzie, Cerise, Duchess, Holly and Apple!"

We exited the stage when the commercial break began, and Queen Charming's next guest entered the area.

He was a teenage boy, about Alistair's height, maybe taller, with dark brown hair and hazel eyes. He seemed familiar, almost like I'd known him before. He looked over at me for a second, and then smiled.

Someone tugged on my arm. "Lizzie, come on."

I turned, and Kitty was trying (and failing) to drag me away. That's when I realized all the other girls had already gone backstage and I must've been staring at the boy. Why didn't I know who he was? He had to be famous, right?

When I still hadn't moved, Kitty rolled her eyes, then said, "come on! You're done! Let's go now!"

"Who is that boy?" I asked, taking a few steps with Kitty but looking over my shoulder at him.

"Nobody. Just keep moving, let's go," Kitty grumbled. Pulling on my arm a little more to get me to keep moving toward backstage.

He was staring at me this time. I didn't know what to do about it, so I just smiled back. As a Wonderlandian princess, I probably shouldn't have, because mother would always advise not to show people too much affection, and that it's better if people fear you.

Once we were backstage, Kitty disappeared somewhere and left me with my bandmates.

"Ready to go?" Holly asked, knowing we'd planned to go out for a quick dinner before our concert took priority in our minds again.

"Yup!" The other girls said happily. We left and made our way to The Beanstalk restaurant, located in a bigger building next to the Beanstalk Bakery and owned by the same people. It was a pretty good restaurant, but all of the girls agreed that the restaurant they'd gone to after their last Hex Factor performance, Be Our Guest in Briar's cousin Rosabella's kingdom, was the best restaurant any of them had ever been to.

"Where's Kitty? Isn't she supposed to meet us here?" I asked as we were escorted to and sat down at a table for the six of us.

Just as we all sat, Kitty appeared in the seat next to me. "Hey," she greeted, smiling widely like usual, but also seeming a bit anxious.

"Hey, can I ask you all something?" I continued, "who was the boy who was Queen Charming's next guest?"

"Oh!" Holly laughed, "that's Austin King! He's famous, haven't you heard of him? He's Blake's best friend, and Blake writes songs for him." Holly took a piece of bread from the basket at the middle of the table and began buttering it lightly.

Holly seemed satisfied that she'd been able to help, Kitty shifted uncomfortably in her chair, and Duchess mumbled "he's pretty hot."

"Watch it, future cousin, you've got a boyfriend," Cerise snickered mockingly.

"I heard a rumor that he's supposed to go to Ever After High- he has a destiny," Apple singsonged rather teasingly, as if she knew it was true.

"Really?" Duchess and Cerise gasped.

Kitty seemed to slink lower into her seat, hoping nobody would notice most likely, but I did. I kept quiet about it, since I wasn't one to make other people feel awkward purposely.

"It's not a rumor," Holly mentioned, lifting her eyebrows and smiling as if containing a delicious secret right on the tip of her tongue.

My bandmates' faces lit up, leaning toward Holly to hear what she had to say.

Kitty slowly started to dematerialize, her presence becoming more and more unbearable to herself the more we discussed Austin.

"He's got to be a king..." Duchess whispered.

"He is," Holly's smile grew wider and her eyes sparkled like sunlight off the wet pavement, "he's the king of hearts."

Kitty disappeared altogether as she said this, and my jaw practically dropped to the table.

Everyone in the band turned to face me except for Holly, who was confused at why they were all doing so.

"Oh... Oh," Holly whispered, realizing.

"But that makes him Lizzie's..." Apple trailed off.

"My King of Hearts?" I shouted in my off-with-his-head voice. "Why didn't I know this? Why haven't I met him before? Why didn't Kitty tell me? Where is Kitty? Off with this secret! Off with Kitty's head!" I ranted.

A silence fell upon the five of us for a while. Kitty was nowhere to be found, and probably didn't plan on returning back to our dinner. Well, whoever this Austin King is, why is he hiding from me? I am the future monarch of Wonderland, his queen, the Princess of Hearts! This cannot go on any more! Does he know? Is this why he was staring at me, smiling knowingly?

Just then, guess who walked in, as if right on cue?

Future King of Hearts himself, Austin.

Time to settle this.

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