Chapter Twelve: What The Hex Happened in Wonderland?

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{Chapter 12 POV: Ally White}

In the morning a few weeks later, the we were picking up Cerise from the hospital again. The hospital had determined she blacked out due to stress at that concert a while back, so she was released after they could make sure it wouldn't happen again, but they wanted to check in on her now that the school stress was over. We had a show tonight in a kingdom not too far away, so after Duchess, Holly and I had picked up Cerise from the hospital, we were heading over to look for a place to grab breakfast.

Kitty met us at a little place I'd picked out called The Waffle Castle (PS THIS. PLACE. IS. SICK).

"Has anyone heard from Lizzie this morning? Or any morning recently?" I asked after ordering.

"Yeah. She's not talking to any of you for a while. I wouldn't expect much association at tonight's concert, just like the last few," Kitty sighed, taking a sip of her tea.

Cerise put a hand to her forehead. "But I didn't even do anything!"

"What the hex is wrong with Austin?" Holly groaned, flicking a strand of reddish hair away from her face and texting on her mirrorphone. For someone who was just going to bed at 2 AM this morning, she didn't look it. Most of her hair was up in a flawless high ponytail and she wore black leggings, a pink and black tee, hot pink cardigan and her favorite pair of baby pink heels. There was a matching bow on her ponytail and her makeup was on point. She looked as if she'd never slept under eight hours a night in her entire life, though it was 8 in the morning, and the recommended (at least) eight hours of sleep was literally unattainable under these circumstances.

"I really don't know. He's your friend," mumbled Cerise, whose physical state showed the kind of night she'd had clearly. She'd been like that ever since the Austin incident. Her hair was mussed around her head, she didn't appear to be wearing any makeup and was wearing sweats and sneakers. The only thing she had cared about earlier today was making sure her ears weren't visible without her hood, but she wore her sweatshirt hood up over her head anyway. "I just want food."

"Usual," Duchess added, twisting her hair into a bun right there at the table. She'd gotten up late and Holly and I had threatened to leave without her. She pretty much stumbled into the car with bedhead and was still wearing the tee shirt she'd slept in. We only gave her enough time to throw on a pair of jeans and purple flats.

"This sucks. Austin is such a moron. I should've known he'd come back and try to ruin our lives," Kitty said softly but angrily, crossing her arms over her Fifth Destiny logo tee shirt.

"Come back? Woah, what happened before you came to Ever After?" Cerise exclaimed, almost spitting water all over the table.

"It's a long story..." Kitty began. She glanced toward the door leading to the kitchen across the room, probably hoping our food would come now so she wouldn't have to tell the long story. When it didn't come, she exhaled loudly and continued on with it. "It was way back when, we were all royals. Or, at least, we all thought we were royals. Oh, and Austin was friends with us. All of us except Lizzie. Before the Evil Queen went off-script and cursed Wonderland, she-" air quote, "befriended," air quote, "Lizzie's mom, who locked Lizzie in her room for some crazy reason only the Queen of Hearts would understand. Austin asked me out, and I agreed, for some reason still unknown to the minds of Kittys everywhere- or I guess just me. Then Austin started acting weird. He didn't hang out with us as much, and when he did he wasn't the same, and one day he told us he didn't want to be the King of Hearts- he wanted to become a famous pop singer instead, and tour Ever After. Alistair, the unofficial leader of our group, was really worried that he would put that rebelling idea in the rest of our heads, especially mine. He kinda did. Then he told us he was leaving because he'd signed a record deal, and broke up with me. Alistair got really angry for some reason. So, he wanted to fight Austin over it. All I remember after that is that Alistair had a concussion and broke an arm and Austin was banned from Wonderland. Of course I knew he had become famous, but I didn't see him in person again until a few days ago. The end." Kitty seemed relieved to finally get all that out.

"Oh my godmother," Holly, Duchess and I shouted at the same time. Cerise's jaw was dropped.

"Ew, you dated that guy?" Cerise teased, laughing.

"Well he's not ugly," Duchess pointed out.

"Yeah," Holly agreed.

"Hey! I was young and stupid!" Kitty yelled in self-defense.

Our food came at that moment, so that was all that was said for a while.


"I'm stuffed," I huffed, leaning back in my chair.

"Somebody pay so we can leave," Duchess said, still pushing a soggy-with-syrup piece of waffle around her plate.

"Somebody? Hahaha you're not getting away with pitching in nothing this time, Duchess," Cerise laughed.

"Everyone put in fifteen dollars," I directed, reviewing the bill. My friends considered me the smart one so of course they made me take care of the math.

After we'd paid, we got back in the truck and Holly said she was dying for a caramel fairycino, so we stopped at a Spellbucks. Only she and I went into the store.

We were waiting on line when Holly's phone chimed. "That's odd..." She said, opening a text. I leaned over her shoulder to see. The text was from a jumble of numbers that I'd seen before. I assumed it was someone from school's number that was saved into my phone. "It's from Faybelle. She says there's something she wants to tell me, but it needs to be in person. I wonder how she got my number."

We moved up in line until we were next. "Hm... That is weird. What would Faybelle have to say to you?" I pondered, pulling out some bills to pay for our order.

"She's says she got my number from Duchess. I forgot they were friends. She wants to meet me at the mall in Book End in an hour..." Holly said quietly.

"Well, I think you still have time to go before the sound check if you want. Want one of us to go with you?" I offered before turning to the cashier to place our order.

When I finished paying, Holly followed me over to the end of the counter to wait for our drinks. "Would you please? I'm worried about what she might have to say. I rarely even talk to Faybelle."

"Of course I will," I responded.

So, after dropping Cerise and Duchess off at the concert venue, our awesome chauffeur took Apple and I back to the Ever After mall to meet Faybelle.

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