Chapter Twelve

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((Nightwing/Dick's POV))

"Did you find it?" I asked as Wally came running up the side of the building.

He held up Emma's suit and smirked. "Got it."


"Why do you want it anyway? I thought you said she was pretty good."

"She is, but Bruce doesn't want her out on the streets getting hurt, and frankly neither do I."

He gave me a look and crossed his arms. "You like this girl don't you?"

I didn't reply and he smirked. "You do like her!"

"Keep it down!" I hissed.

"What afraid Bruce is going to come out of nowhere and try to kill you for liking his daughter?"

"Bruce already knows. That's why he's in the dog house." We both turned around to see Jason with a slightly pissed expression on his masked face. "Oh and good job on raiding Emma's room, hurricane Katrina."

"She came back early!" Wally defended.

"She's already been shot Dick. Not to mention having the one guy she looked up to, telling her to quit something she wants to do. Now your fucking stealing her stuff!?" he yelled angrily. "What's wrong with you!? You said you loved her but your just hurting her the most!"

"Whoa whoa wait a minuet!" Wally shouted. "You love her?"

"I never said I was in love with her!"

"That's bull shit and you know it!" Jason said glaring at me. "You never went through this kind of trouble for any other girl you liked."

"He's got a point Dick."

I glared at him and someone cleared their throat from behind us.

"Thanks for telling me."

We all whipped around to see Emma standing there with the same hoodie she wore the very first night she went out.

"We spent over a month together training and neither of you could say oh yeah by the way we're Dick Greyson and Jason Todd your brothers?"


"You led me on Dick. Made me feel like I meant something to someone when obviously I'm only a play thing for Nightwing."

"No Emma you don't understand! I-I..."

"That's what I thought." she said glaring at me through tear filled eyes. "I'll see you at home Jason."

I watched her disappear down the fire escape and my heart shattered.

Why couldn't I just tell her?

"Are you going to go after her?" Wally asked.

"I can't... She won't listen anyway. Not after that."

My head snapped to the side and my cheek stung. "Did you just hit me!?"

"Yeah cause your being an idiot! You obviously like her now go after her!" He shouted pointing in the direction she went. "If you don't, I will."

I glanced over at Jason who was still pissed.

"I'll handle Jase, just go."

Wally shoved me forward a little and I started running after her. I hope she didn't get too far ahead.


((Emma's POV))

I ran down the next alley wiping away some of the tears that escaped my eyes.

I can't believe he'd lead me on like that!


His voice rang through the relatively quiet streets and I sped up.


"Shit!" I cursed glancing back to see him gaining on me. "How's he so damn fast!?"

I jumped up and grabbed ahold of the ladder to the fire escape and pulled myself up quickly. I ran up to the roof and glanced around. He wasn't up here yet.

I saw his grappling hook come flying up and ran to the other edge of the building. I jumped off and landed on a lower platform of the next fire escape.

I jumped down the rest of the way and started running again, just to be tackled to the ground.

"Emma please just listen to me!"

"Get off me!!" I screamed trying to push him off.

"Emma I-" before he could finish I managed to throw him off and stand up.

I threw a punch but he caught my fist before it hit him. "I didn't mean to hurt you."

I tried to hit him with my other hand by he caught it too.

"I just don't know what to do Emma."

I kicked him in the back of the knee and pushed him back causing him to fall with me on top of him.

I pushed myself up and stood back on my feet. "How about you just leave me alone!?"

I booked it down the alley but this time he didn't come after me, which made me feel even colder inside.

Note to self: Stop having feelings for Nightwing/Dick Greyson, he was just playing you... And you fell for it. Hard.

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