Chapter Twenty One

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I jumped on Dick's back as we headed inside the mansion after getting back from headquarters.

"What are you doing?" he asked with a slight chuckle.

"I fought Kaldur. I'm tired." I pouted resting my chin on his shoulder. "Besides you owe me for ditching me for Barbara."

"I didn't ditch you for Barbara. I went to help her."

"Help her what? Unzip her suit?" I asked bitterly.

He sighed and maneuvered me so he was carrying me in front of himself. "I'm over Barbara, Emma. I have you now."

"Yeah you do. And frankly I think I'm much better."

"You are." he kissed me and set me back down on my feet.

"I still want to fight her." I mumbled making him roll his beautiful blue eyes.

I hear a loud crash and Dick and I both jumped turning to look down the hall. Jason came storming out of the parlour, fist clenched and eyes ablaze.

"Jason what-?" I started moving toward him, but he shoved passed me and headed upstairs before I could finish.

I was going to go after him but Dick grabbed my wrist and pulled me back. "It's better just to let him cool off for a bit. I don't want you or him saying anything you'll regret later."

I sighed and nodded in understanding, before instantly clenching my fists and marching into the parlour.

Bruce was sitting in his chair looking out the window and Alfred was sweeping up bits of broken glass.

"What did you say to Jason!?" I shouted before Dick could stop me.

Bruce turned his head to look at me but his face was emotionless as usual.

"You assume I'm at fault?"

"Am I wrong!?"

"Yes you are. Jason's actions have consciences, he brought it upon himself." he said giving me a hard glare.

"You fired him..."

"He forced my hand."

"How could you do that?"

"I had no choice."

I just glared at him and stomped away with Dick right behind me.

"I can't believe him!!" I shouted angrily. "How could he do that to Jason!?"

I growled and went into the training room to punch something.

"Why!? That's what I want to know!! Why'd he do it!? What did Jason do!?" I ranted punching the punching bag as hard as I could.

"I don't like this any more then you do Emma, but screaming and punching won't help." Dick said taking both my already partly swollen hands and holding me in place.

"...Your right." I muttered forcing myself to calm down some.

He pulled me into his chest and hugged me for a few minutes before we both headed upstairs for bed. We'd check up on Jason in the morning when we're all a little less hostile.


((Two weeks later))

I gave the screen in the Batcave my full attention as Dick spoke to Bruce through his headpiece.

Jason disappeared and now the Joker has him trapped somewhere.

My heart was pounding and my mind kept going through the worst case scenarios.

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