CYOR: Choose Thor

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"I would like to see what our new warrior can do," Thor declares as he steps closer and sizes you up.

You have to practically hyper-extend your neck just to meet his eyes, which are possibly the deepest shade of blue you've ever seen. You stifle the effect being so near to him has on you and grin nervously. "Well, prepare to be underwhelmed. I'm pretty new to all of this...super power stuff," you sheepishly explain.

Thor regards you with a friendly smile. "We shall see about that. Can you fly?"

"Uh, kind of?" You answer.

Thor tilts his head and regards you with confused interest. "Kind...of?"

"Well, I haven't really tested it out yet."

Thor smiles down at you. Then his body is suddenly aloft. "Come!" He calls out from above. "I will guide you!"

You sigh, then reach into your core where you envision your power resides. "Prepare to embarrass yourself, Ambrose," you say understand your breath. Your power over gravity activates and suddenly your weightless and clumsily popping up off of the snow. As you fight to get ahold of your power and steady yourself, a strong hand reaches out for yours, enfolding it in warmth.

"Steady, Ambrose," Thor says as he gives you a little tug, pulling you closer to him.

"Well, this is embarrassing," you mutter.

"Everyone must start somewhere," Thor reasons.

Way to go, Ambrose. You're really wowing the handsome warrior god.

"First, you must relax," Thor instructs.

Kind of hard to relax when tall, blond, handsome and muscly is holding my hand and looking deep in my eyes. I wonder what his beard feels like.

"And second?" You ask aloud.

"Start slow," Thor goes on. "Walk, then run."

You nod your head. "Right. Gotcha."

Thor slowly releases your hand until he's just barely touching you. Once his hand is off of yours, you can still feel the warmth of him. Following his advice for fear of making yourself look totally hopeless, you begin to drift through the air at a leisurely pace. It feels a bit like entering the deep end of the pool to you- disconcerting and potentially dangerous, yet you swim in spite of it all.

"You are doing quite well," Thor praises. "Come. The mission awaits."

Thor flies at a speed you imagine to be slower than his usual. The gesture of him being patient with you warms you and you immediately counter those feelings with a dose of reality. He's the Norse god of thunder, Ambrose. He's not interested in you. He's being nice. Duh.

You fly a little quicker once you've grown more comfortable and Thor looks over at you and smiles. The frosty air is pushing his long blond hair out of his face and you take the time to admire the ruggedness of him. The pictures, footage and media's descriptions don't do him justice at all.

"You control gravity then?" He says, startling you out of your covert admiration. The way you startle is as adorable to him as your initially clumsy attempts to fly.

"Uh, yeah. When the Chitauri bomb was damaged I got exposed to whatever was inside. And now I can make things heavier or lighter by thinking. It's lame."

"You are most unkind to yourself," Thor points out.

You don't have a ready response so you let out a nervous little chuckle and stare straight ahead.

"Gravity is a powerful force," Thor remarks. "It can force things apart," he says as he spreads his arms wide as if he'll hug you. Then he moved his hands closer, clasping them in front of his chest. "Or bring them together."

You shudder at his choice of words and tell yourself you're imagining things. He's just being friendly. He probably has no idea that it could be confused with flirting. Get your head in the game.

"That looks suspicious," Thor says as he comes to a halt and points at the ground below.

You stop as well, though not as gracefully. Then you look at where Thor's pointing and nod. "Looks like the wind blew some of the snow off of a panel."

The two of you land and Thor approaches and brushes his hand over the panel, removing some of the snow. He looks over his shoulder at you. "Ambrose?"

Taking the cue, you focus your power on the snow and watch as it floats rapidly up and away from the panel, then disperses to the sides. Then you place your attention on the panel and the sound of wining gears suddenly fills the air. Then the panel pops up and off of the hidden entrance and goes flying backward, landing in the snow.

Thor walks over and claps a hand on your back, releasing a fresh swarm of butterflies in your core. "Excellently done!"

"This is Ambrose to team," you say into the radio as you smile at Thor. "We've found the entrance."

Thor watches as you walk closer to the entrance and look down at the dark corridor below. His eyes scan down the length of you, stopping at your bottom. "I have found the entrance as well," he whispers to himself as he drinks in the sight of you.

"What is it?" You ask, spinning around.

His eyes snap up to meet yours. He smiles down at you in a boyish manner and then takes a few steps closer to the secret corridor.

"Should we wait for the rest of the team?" You ask, watching the god confidently stride down the steps.

Thor shakes his head. "Nonsense. Adventure awaits." He stops at the bottom step and reaches out a hand, beckoning you. "Come."

Emboldened by his warmth and charm, you walk down behind him and into the dark corridor. "Think we'll find anything down here?"

Thor shrugs his broad shoulders. "Perhaps." He looks over at you. "Tell me, Ambrose- where does the unkindness toward yourself come from?"

You run a hand through your hair and sigh. "I don't know. I guess I just never really felt like I measured up."

"Why?" Thor asks you, his voice conveying shock.


Thor clears his throat. "I have made you uncomfortable. You do not know me well enough and I am being...intrusive."

You smile at Thor's difficulty in navigating mortal boundaries. "It's okay. No big mysteries or anything. Nothing serious. Just stuff I don't get an opportunity to talk about a lot."

"Perhaps you would have dinner with me? Then we might talk more?"

You stop and look up at his friendly face. His friendly, handsome face. "Sure," you say.

Thor's smile grows bigger. "Good!"

You walk on and try to ignore the hope that maybe, just maybe, Thor has reasons for asking you to dinner aside from simply getting to know you better.

Cool it. Thor is not interested in you like that. Don't be a dumbass.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2022 ⏰

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