Waking Up With Him (Bruce Banner)

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The sound of ocean waves was being played on the sound machine when you woke up. Stretching beneath the cozy old quilt, you looked up at the ceiling and took in a deep, cleansing breath. You exhaled slowly and rolled the thought around in your head that you were probably one of the luckiest guys on the planet. Bruce was sleeping soundly beside you and you couldn't help but roll over and watch him. Since you'd known Bruce, he'd been open with you about his alter ego. It always struck you as odd that such a gentle, sensitive soul could transform into a beast of rage and destruction. He looked so at peace as he slept, his handsome face pressed into the pillow. A light snore resonated from him and you suppressed a giggle. The whole scene was way too adorable for words.

Your favorite thing about Bruce's bedroom was the sheer comfort of it. Being that Bruce constantly had the big green monster looking over his shoulder, he made every effort to make his room a safe haven he could retreat to. As a result, some of your favorite moments with Bruce were there. It was when the two of you were in his bedroom that you felt most calm. Sometimes the world around you seemed so loud, so chaotic, that you wanted to disappear. It wasn't uncommon for you to fantasize about running away to a remote cabin in the woods. A remote cabin with WiFi, of course. Being in Bruce's bedroom was just as good, in your opinion.

"How did you sleep?" Bruce asked after a great big yawn, startling you from your thoughts.

"I dreamed that I was part of a multiple murder investigation," you softly spoke as you nestled in against him, enjoying being in contact.

"That's because you fell asleep reading this," he said with a grin as he reached over and plucked a paperback from his bedside table. He cleared his throat and read aloud. "'A gripping thriller in which Detective Allegra Kennison must solve multiple murders in a race against time'." He stopped and smiled at you before gently tapping your forehead with the book.

"I enjoy murder mysteries," you replied defensively. "They calm me."

Bruce raised an eyebrow and scratched the salt and pepper stubble on his face. "Murder calms you? That sounds...wow."

You rolled your eyes and gave him a playful shove. "The murders don't calm me; it's the way they usually end so neatly. Every little loose end is tied up in the end. It's satisfying, I guess."

Bruce nodded. "I guess that makes sense. Okay, now I'm not afraid you'll chop me up and hide me in a deep freeze somewhere."

"You're ridiculous," you groaned.

"Hey," Bruce whispered as he reached for your face and gently ran his index finger up and down your cheek. "I don't care if you're secretly a serial killer. Just as long as we can keep falling asleep reading in bed."

"And eating chocolate?" you asked as you looked over at the empty box on his nightstand.

"And eating chocolate," Bruce whispered as he pulled you into his arms and kissed you. You ran your hands over his chest, enjoying the feeling his chest hair as your mouths moved against each other's. As the kiss deepened, he moved so that he was on top of you.

"What is it?" you asked when he stopped and leaned back. "What's wrong?"

Bruce grinned. "Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Isn't that crazy?"

"Why would that be crazy?" you asked as you reached up and touched his cheek.

"Because it's me!" Bruce laughed. "Something's always wrong where I'm concerned."

You shrugged your shoulders and smiled dreamily up at him. "Maybe you should try enjoying it? Life is full of chaos and problems. Trouble is always going to knock on your door eventually, Bruce. But when good things happen you should give them just as much of your attention."

Bruce stared at you as if you were the most beautiful thing he'd ever seen. The awe in his face left you feeling a little bashful and you averted your eyes."

"(Y/N)," Bruce whispered. "Don't look away."

"I can't help it," you groaned as you pulled a pillow over your face to hide your blushing.

Bruce yanked the pillow back and kissed your lips before you could try to hide your face again. "I think you're incredible," Bruce declared as he held your face so you couldn't look away from his eyes. "I mean it. You make me feel normal. And that's saying a lot given  the fact that I turn into a rage monster when I get angry. You calm me."

You thought about your daily life and how busy and stressful it often was, then compared it to these moments with Bruce in his room. "You calm me too," you confessed.

"How is it that out of the millions of people on this planet, a guy like you crossed my path?"

"You're just lucky, I guess," you teased.

"What are you doing today?" he asked.

"It's my day off."

"I you weren't with me, what would you be doing with a day off?"

You pursed your lips and gave it some thought. "Well, usually I have an island day unless I have errands to run."

Bruce gazed at you with a quizzical expression. "Island day?"

You laugh, realizing that you're so in your head all the time that a conversation with someone might require you to actually explain some of your you-isms. "It's just where I spend the day in bed. Reading or dozing off. Kind of like being marooned?"

Bruce nodded. "Like Gilligan's Island?"

"Yeah, you could say that." You smiled softly. "I guess most people would find that weird."

"Well, I'm not most people. It sounds nice to me."

"You'd tell me if you thought it was weird?"

Bruce crossed his heart and winked at you.

"I guess I just spend a lot of time around so many people that I need the quiet of it."

Bruce nodded emphatically. "I completely get it."

Of course he would understand. If anyone knew anything about needing to disconnect from other people at times it was Bruce. Hence the coziness of his bedroom.

"We could maybe have an island day together?" Bruce suggested.

"I think I'd like that a lot," you agreed.

"I think I could add a lot to your island days," Bruce suggested as he slipped his hands under the quilt and laid them on your bare skin.

The gentle, pleasing style of his affection left you feeling so safe and comforted you couldn't help but melt into him as he descended upon you, his mouth finding yours again. You were so pliable in his hands, so at ease and trusting in him. Bruce wasn't like any man you'd ever known. Not that you were the most experienced of people. Usually your romantic encounters were restricted to you admiring a guy from a distance and spending all of your time daydreaming about making a move but feeling much to inadequate. Usually something embarrassing would happen to further derail your confidence- tripping over your own feet, choking on nothing at all. But those things didn't seem to be a problem with Bruce. He was just so easy and accessible for you that even your usual nervous blunders didn't interfere. That warm smile that always touched his thoughtful dark eyes made all of that seem so normal and acceptable.

"I think maybe I'm the luckiest guy on the planet," you murmured as your body succumbed to his slow, smoldering advances.

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