Author's Note-An Observation on the Characterization of Thor

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I have to get something off of my chest. I love Thor. I don't know how obvious that is considering nearly every piece of fan fiction I've written has been about him. I would say I'm more than just the casual fan. I'm obsessed. From first impressions he's the ultimate alpha male. He's big, muscular, and hot. He's assertive and take-charge. He doesn't just radiate big dick energy- he personifies it. I could write an entire paper about his body alone. But a closer look shows us that he has honor. He's got a sense of humor. He cares about people. He's selfless. But he's also deeply flawed and imperfect. He makes mistakes. He stumbles. He is lost. He doesn't always know what he wants to be and he wrestles with understanding his destiny. He sees the good in people which can sometimes set him up for being deceived. He's a deep character, guys, and one that deserves equally deep writing.

Now that I've established the obvious- I am not saying that I have a fundamental knowledge of the guy. I don't know every single thing about him, nor do I feel that I write him better than anyone else. However- I have noticed that there is a lot of poor characterization of him and I am here to protest it by pointing out some myths about the man.

One- Thor is stupid. No. Thor is not stupid. Thor can be naive because Midgard is not his home and there are many things he does not know, but he is not stupid. Furthermore, if Thor is unfamiliar with something I don't see him being the sort of person who just sits in his ignorance; he would want to learn. Thor is a very straightforward guy, which can sometimes be mistaken for being simple. But I believe that Thor is a complex person with layers and is most-definitely NOT stupid. Stop writing him as a big moron. Put an end to the madness.

Two- Thor is always loud. While Thor can be loud sometimes, perhaps when feeling strongly about something, he is not just always a big, booming loudmouth. As stated under myth number one, Thor is capable of learning. Because of this, Thor is able to recognize social cues and social conventions and adapt. So please stop making him just always on max volume. It's annoying.

Three- Thor is always clumsy. While Thor can be charmingly clumsy at times, he's not just always breaking stuff and tripping and being a basic bull in a china shop. Pepper a little clumsiness into the story from time to time for cuteness factor but don't make it his whole personality.

Four- this one is a huge one for me. Perhaps one of the most annoying things. Pop-Tarts. What. The. Fuck. Why? When did this originate? And why does Thor have a single-minded obsession with them in LITERALLY EVERY FAN FICTION I READ ABOUT HIM? I get it- it's cute to give Thor a favorite snack. But maybe come up with a new idea? It just seems really cheap to always rely on that as a literary crutch- in addition to the above-mentioned literary crutches. Besides, Pop-Tarts are not that great, guys. Give him something different to like. But DON'T make it his sole personality trait. For the love of Thor.

This probably came off really bitchy. Ultimately, this is fan fiction. We aren't curing cancer or anything. So write what you want. If you're having fun, that's ultimately what it's all about. If you want to write a one-dimensional Thor who is just loud, stupid, clumsy and obsessed with Pop-Tarts then be my guest. I just consider it lazy writing and a disservice to a great character. Those qualities are not personality traits and really cheapen the work. Channel and adapt Thor's actual personality instead of relying on shallow cliches. It makes him more fun to read for those of us who know he's a deeper guy than all that.

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