Waking Up With Him (Clint Barton)

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"Son of a-" Clint muttered under his breath as he stumbled over a shoe. He reached out for the wall to keep from falling over. The resulting outburst and clatter pulled you from sleep and you lay there grinning at your boyfriend's grace.

"How can you be so precise with a bow but you can't walk across the room without tripping over something?" you asked as you sat up and stretched your arms.

Clint was standing near the bed, his naked body illuminated in the soft glow of the nightlight. He turned around and put his hands on his hips. "I was trying to be quiet so I wouldn't wake you up," he retaliated defensively.

"Well, you failed," you teased as you moved to the edge of the bed.

"Well, excuse me for wanting to make some coffee for my boyfriend," Clint fired back as he approached you. "I know what an ass you can be if you don't have a cup first thing in the morning."

You looked up at him and grinned. For some reason the two of you loved antagonizing each other. "I guess I'll forgive your clumsiness," you replied nonchalantly. "This time."

"Oh-ho!" Clint laughed as he launched himself on you and pinned you against the bed. "This time he says? How generous of you!"

You squirmed beneath him but realized the futility in your effort as he restrained your wrists with his hands and used his legs to keep yours in place. The movement had resulted in your naked bodies rubbing against each other, awakening a feeling other than playful antagonism.

"Well, it looks like the hawk's ready to take flight," you teased as you felt his erection pulse against you.

Clint rolled his eyes. "That was terrible."

"It was clever."

"It was so cheesy," Clint laughed.

"Maybe, but it's true," you pointed out as you pushed your hips up against him.

"You know, it's really kind of manipulative how you use sex to get out of trouble for bullying me," he declared as he lowered his face to yours. "What are we going to do about that?"

"What can I say?" you replied with an innocent smirk. "A big cup of coffee's a nice thing to wake up to but I prefer to wake up to a big co-"

Clint captured your mouth with his, immediately silencing you. He kept the pressure on, quickly overwhelming you with a deep kiss that left you breathless. When he pulled away and gave you a chance to breathe he chuckled at your dreamy expression. "That'll shut you up," he remarked.

"Momentarily. Now go and make me coffee."

Clint pecked your cheek before standing up and giving you a nice full-body view before he hurried off to the kitchen. You laid in the bed and basked in the warmth of it as the scent of coffee began to drift into the bedroom. As you lay there, you thought about what led you to this moment. You'd met the archer by chance at a coffee shop (go figure) about two months ago. You'd both ordered the same drink and when your order was up, he'd tried to claim it. Being that this happened in the morning, and knowing your penchant for not being a morning person, you had been perhaps a little too hasty with your attitude. Then the barista brought a second identical beverage, silencing you. Clint had raised his cup and complimented your on your good taste and offered his condolences for your bad attitude before turning to leave. You still weren't quite sure what had prompted you. Maybe it was fate? Maybe you just wanted to go off of the beaten path a little. Either way, you'd followed him out of the coffee shop and caught up with his quick strides to apologize.

"I didn't mean to be so rude back there," you said in a solemn voice. "It's just that my morning started off kind of bad."

"So you thought you'd take it out on an innocent bystander?" Clint asked as he gave you some sassy side-eye. Damn if he wasn't good-looking. And he knew it too- you could tell.

"You know what? Forget it. Never mind," you'd sighed as you brushed past him and walked along the sidewalk away from him. The last thing you intended to do was apologize to some arrogant jerk.

"Wait, wait, wait," he said as he caught up with you. "What's your name?"

"Why?" you asked as you stood at the crosswalk and waited for the sign to change.

"Because when I get your number I'd like to put you in my contacts as something other than Obnoxious But Hot Coffee Shop Boy."

You remembered blushing profusely at the notion of him asking for your number. Truth be told, you hadn't even been sure that he was into men until that moment. Letting your guard down a little due to his charm, you'd turned around and told him your name without a second thought.

"(Y/N)," he said slowly as if he were committing it to memory. "Nice."

The sound of Clint's footsteps broke your from the trance of memory and you grinned as he put a steaming mug in your hands before slipping into bed next to you.

"A naked superhero just brought coffee to me in bed," you chuckled as you sipped the delicious elixir. "What did I do to deserve this?

"I'm no superhero," he chuckled. "I shoot arrows. Accurately, of course. But that's it."

"I can't do that. So you're already more super than me."

Clint laughed. "Yeah? Well I can't do that thing you do with your mouth. I guess that makes you super too."

You rolled your eyes at him. "You're lucky you make a good cup of coffee."

"And that I'm...what was it you said last night? Oh, yeah. 'Unbelievably good at fu-"

"Don't make me pour hot coffee on you, sir," you threatened.

"I wouldn't dream of it."

A silence took the room as the two of you enjoyed your coffee, but it wasn't the uncomfortable kind. Quite the contrary- it was the sort of silence that felt cozy and easy. There was something about the way he could be so charming and so laid-back that made you want to curl up against him and just exist. And as soon as your mug was empty that's exactly what you did.

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