Dear Friend

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Wow. I havent written in a diary for at least two years. The last time I wrote one was in eighth grade. Ugh I feel so old right now. lol. Now looking back at my old diary entries i feel pretty dumb. I was BOY CRAZY. OMG its not even funny. I was that bad!! I need to figure out what type of title i should write for this. "Dear Diary" wont suffice. hmmm We'll see. So anyway. I started writing again because I've been pretty pissed off lately. Yea waking up on the wrong side of the bed. It could also be because the senior i have the hugest crush on got asked to Kings Ball. Oish. Okay to be honest, i havent even talked to guy in person. Just twice. The first i said "Hi" but i dont think he heard me. The second time was when he was holding a bunch of balloons and cake and was wearing a sign saying "I GOT ASKED TO KINGS BALL"  The conversation, if you call this encounter a conversation went a little like this:

Me: Hey! You got asked to Kings Ball?

Him: Yea!


Him: Aahah Thank You J

And that’s how it went. Nothing special but I sure felt special. What can I say… it’s the hormones. This guy is so polite, smart, and athletic and to top it off he’s my mom’s dream son-in-law. Can you say Made For Each Other or what? Ugh enough about him. If I keep going at this, I’m going to be even mopier today. (is mopier a word? Idk whatever)

So I’ve been watching these series on Youtube called The Lizzie Bennet Diaries and I am definitely hooked on them. It’s a modern twist on Pride and Prejudice. Since it got me hooked, I watched the movie Pride and Prejudice with Kiera Knightley and Matthew Macfadyen. One word: WOW. I’m even reading the book. This is the most I’ve been interested in a book let alone an old one. Since we’re on the topic of Pride and Prejudice, why cant there be a guy in this world as amazing as Mr. Darcy? Why is this impossible? All guys think about now are “getting in a girls pants” or “swag” what the heck happened to all the classy men? I am definitely not saying that there are none. But I mean the ones that are there are usually taken or gay. Or are too shy and don’t like communication with the opposite sex.

Today, in Chemistry, my friend thought it would be a great idea to say out loud that me and this guy would make cute babies together. Thank the Dear Good Lord that he didn’t hear that. I mean I wouldn’t care if he heard that but he’s one judgemental guy. He. Absolutely. Dislikes. Me. I don’t know why. He just gives me dirty looks but whatever. As I was saying my friend thought it would be a good idea to take my ipod and take a picture of his butt. She angled my ipod as though my face was looking at his butt. It was pretty gross but funny as heck. As the noob I am, I still have the picture and yet to delete it. Well that sums my day up. So until next time


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