Dear Friend

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Dear Friend,

So today started off as a great day. We played hockey in p.e., and then first period was over. What made my day was when we had to run and even though I’m on a medical note I chose to run. (Don’t hate on me) lol. My friend asked if I was crazy when I had the option of not running and then the teacher said and I quote “she is an exceptional student that’s why I really like her. She chose to run even though she didn’t have to” and she smiled at me. I swear that made my day. It’s a nice feeling when adults compliment you.

Remember how I told you about the powderpuff game? I didn’t… oh awkward. Anyway so I had to buy tickets for my friends for the game. We were in second period and during sustained silent reading, me and my best friend walked down to the room where we could buy tickets. On the way down, my friend decided it would be fun thing to say hi to people just walking by. I kept telling her to stop and she was like

Her:  “You like how we switched roles?”

(p.s. I do randomly wave to people I don’t know and embarrass her.. That’s what she’s talking about)

Me: “That’s what youre doing?!?!”

Her: “LOL yea.”

Okay so then we got our tickets without her waving hi to anyone else. Then while we were walking back, we saw this really attractive guy walking towards us.  And guess what she decides to do

Her: *Waves* “HI”

Me: *grabs her hand* “stop waving to people you don’t know. Youre embarrassing”

Him: *smile/smirks* “Hi”

Me: “I’m sorry about her”

Him: *chuckles* *and with his sexy voice says* “It’s all good”

We walk away and giggled like two estrogen filled girls. We are ruled by hormones. Im just putting that out there. That was the highlight of my day.

While walking down the stairs from my English class walking to my chemistry class, I met this guy who I was messaging the day before. The messages went a little like this :

Me: Do you go to my school now?

Him: lol yea I do :)

Me: *notices the smiley face and makes a move* oh lol :P okay because I saw you around and remembered you went to my middle school

(okay so I knew him in middle school but we never talked AT ALL. He was one of the popular kids. I was too but from a different clique.)

Him: oh really? Yea I did go there. ^.^

Me: okay cool. When I see you around I’ll say hi :) so don’t be weirded out.

Him: lol alright ;)

Right away I noticed the winky face. *faints* jkay I didn’t faint. So as I was saying I was walking down the stairs and we meet halfway… MEET ME HALFWAY.. okay sorry black eyed peas. I was going to go in for a smile and ‘bro’ handshake but he stopped in the middle of the crowd and hugged me. I was speechless for a good five seconds. But I amazingly recovered. We talked for like 10 seconds and had to leave before the people behind us caused the death of us. My friend was walking behind me and after this guy left, he looked at me and wiggled his eyebrows and was like

Him: ‘so who was that?”

Me:  ‘an old acquaintance’

Him: ‘mhmmm sureeee’

And I walked away awkwardly. When I got to my chemistry class, I told this to my friend who by the way was the same friend who took a picture of the guys butt two days before. She was like

Her: “OOH what does he look like?”

Me: *shows her a picture*

Her: “he looks like a druggie but you guys would make a cute couple”

Hmm where have we heard THAT before

Me: ahahahah seriously?

Her: *dead serious face* yes

Me: *awkwardly* oh

Then later that day, my other friend was talking to a girl behind me in the same class. They were talking about something but the word “oral” came up. Being the dirty mind of piece of caca I am I said

Me: “oohhooohoo Oral? *creeper smile*”

My friend: “oho yes oral”

And with that she sat back and spread her legs and said

Her: “any day now”

Me and friend 1: LOLOLOLOL.

She sat like that for a good five minutes. I have to say. I love that derp. Well anyway I think I wrote a little too much. Sooo adios!!


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